Quote of the Day

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. [h=5]I'm probably a good friend to tell secrets too ,
    A: I've a short memory.
    B: I don't listen.
    C: I couldn't give a toss what your problem is....
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  2. Erm, OK I give up I haven't a clue.

    What else are you a good friend for as well as telling secrets?
  3. Best quote I ever heard, after watching old people - 'Old people. They're the future!'. Ummm, no, actually. The originator of this gem has a Masters degree, an endless mind of knowledge and previously rated as one of the smartest people I know!
  4. I'm concerned that you were watching 'old people', it's better than watching 'kids' I suppose or do you do that too? :eek:
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