British Citizenship Test

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SOUP, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Well I managed 9/10 and I am Irish so the Nigerian government have decided to make me an honorary citizen:eek:
  2. You scored 10 out of a possible 10
    Full marks. That is terrifically British (just so long as you don't boast about it to anyone)........... Happy days not that it was hard

  3. As-salam alaykum, I bin done 10/10, innit, so I am guessing I be Breetish.......
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  4. Alakume salarm t`sanga `ay
  5. Jor yey? Pa kher yey? Strey ma shey! Khoar ma shey!!

    Seem to have some linguists in town!!

    Zu angreiz surbaz au pashto turjuman yem!
  6. 9/10 well i'm here and i'm staying lol
  7. Please explain using 500 words or less Morris Dancers.
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  8. "You scored 10 out of a possible 10

    Full marks. That is terrifically British (just so long as you don't boast about it to anyone)"

    Not bad for a wop :upyeah:
  9. I scored 8/10

    I blame touch screen grrrr
  10. I'm using a touch screen too. I think you're a foreign subversive :wink:
  11. 75% is the pass, so you just scraped in, you can keep your passport
  12. Technically the answer to Q3 is the Union Flag

    Can 18 year olds really do jury service ?
  13. Yep, two weeks is normal, but some trials go on for months.

    I`ve not been picked once, yet friends I know have done two or three.

  14. Phew :)
  15. Yes it's having scouse blood
  16. I've been selected twice. The first time was 23 years ago. I did one case which lasted a couple of hours, in the two weeks I was there.

    The second time, which was about seven years ago, I was excused as the "expenses" didn't go anywhere near covering my salary. :smile:
  17. So you do have FMB's :wink:
  18. Only at weekends ;-)
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