For most of my life my glass has always been half full. Always took the chances and always optimistic. However age has started to change that for me for some reason. I've started to be cautious and pessimism had started to creep in. I'm doing my upmost to fight it but its proving hard going
I don't think pessimism isn't a sign of half empty, more a sign of experience adding checks and balances to believing the unknown Not only half full, being life long in sales and fairly successful at it means you have to be! But also believe everyone is doing the right thing for them at that time and until someone proves untrustworthy, they can be trusted. Mostly kept me in good stead....although I do have an unhealthy knack of inappropriate sarcasm on occasion :wink:
I would like to think im half full and to keep topping up at regular intervals I'm very trusting of everyone and I'm occasionally disappointed.
Normally half full but being self employed and only worked two day this year it is slowly looking emptier by the day.
Spot on Troy! I didn't ever give it a thought to be honest. Life was great and time everlasting allowing no need for anything other than having a great time. When I retired at 60 the glass was overflowing but as the years have ticked by (over 70 now) I have become more cautious and aware of the need for sensible planning for the best use of time e.g. I missed the last Ducati WDW 2012 since I had bought the wrong bike (999S) for long distance travel in 2012, and now will it be 2014 or 2015 for the next one, then it may be a trip too far even on the right bike. It didn't used to matter. I have now moved to a mindset of planning things with my head rather than my heart. That way it should compensate and keep the glass topped up. It makes deciding on my next bike less fun though, a bit like admiring some bimbo with great 'features' but being more interested in her female friend with more real world assets. My local dealer is now confused with my lack of enthusiasm for his latest whizz bang bimbo-esque stock, thinks I'm cracking up. I get "So what if the Panigale's exhaust burns your leg, it looks so good" etc etc etc.
I like to think that for me the glass is at the 50% level, I am neither a pessimist or an optimist, I make objective assessments. I could be wrong though. Judging by the posts here the phrase seems to have two different meanings, the pessimist / optimist split or alternatively some gauge to measure where you are in life.
was going to do the next bit but couldnt remember all the words dam.............python love it always told life is what you make it .............croc.............. its whatever your happy with lol :smile:
Depends if your pissing or drinking. When I'm drinking my glass is always half empty, and when I'm getting rid of it, the bucket doesn't seem big enough
If you ride a bike can you say that you are a pessimist, could be why some bikes only come out of the garage to be polished.