For Sale Ebay Bikes

Discussion in 'Ducati Bikes For Sale' started by Rob, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Has been sold after over a year on ebay. I wonder how close to the asking price they got.
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  2. To be fare the Sheffield Posh Shop were only asking that for a lower mileage SPS this year... :eek:
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  3. Normalisation. Well played, Sheffield. Instead of lowering their prices, they’ve simply waited for everyone else’s greed to rise to match theirs.
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  4. True, I thought they were mad when they started, now they have caused all my bikes to rise in value, who'd have thought it, bastids :mad:
  5. must get the FT 'Rich 100" edition this year, you are bound to feature soon Stu?
  6. Nah, plenty of bikes though :innocent: - a small matter of -£7500 after the last one so that's it for my collecting days :motorcycleduc:
  7. They’ve certainly caused everyone to be asking a lot more for their bikes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Yeah, laughing_on_ground.jpg yeah
    • Funny Funny x 1
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