For Sale Ebay Bikes

Discussion in 'Ducati Bikes For Sale' started by Rob, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. The question is do the private sellers get that sort of money:thinkingface:
  2. :eyes:
  3. Some do that I know of :eyes:
  4. Will this prove to be self-perpetuating though? With Sheffield moving up to the next level of lunacy, and we start all over again? o_O
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  5. :thinkingface: :eyes:
  6. Luck of the draw........................
  7. just looked at Ebay history - looks a private/occasional seller type to me?
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  8. not believing this at the mo.. :thinkingface:
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  9. Hi Chris,Yes he's private (i think:thinkingface:)but he likes Ducati's and sells as well on the side, i did send him messages last year on the 996r before i brought mine
  10. would probably recognise (by face) at Boxhill as it's only dahn the road, unless he's a recluse. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. All true :innocent:
  12. Of course. That’s what they’ve always done, and like sheep we all follow behind. Greed will always prevail.
  13. And lots don’t that I know of. That’s why- for example- the 8 or 9 D16s that are suddenly for sale now that ‘values have increades’- are relisted without being sold every week.

    Asking isn’t getting. And the notion that “I’ll just put it out there and see if I win but I don’t care if it doesn’t sell” makes it impossible to buy something nice now. Everyone thinks they’re a shrewd investor/ speculator now, rather than someone who’s lucky enough to own a lovely thing.
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  14. True - but I invest for a reason - and that reason is to have enough money to retire early and enjoy life. I don't pay over the odds for bikes, although my last 2 have been up there I guess. My 996R I bought in January was £9k less than the Jap import on Ebay and has much less miles and full UK history, so you can still find 'reasonable' prices - like the 999R that was on Ebay 2 months ago - no one bought it at the 'reasonable' expectation of the owner - except a dealer who snapped it up and stuck a few grand on it.
    If I speculate with bikes it's something I have a passion for - I don't wish for conventional investments. Also I run a 'niche' business which would pay me a wage (low overheads) but choose to work in a full time professional career too: so that's 50+ hours before I even think of my business which is a 7 days a week commitment. The business bought the last bike (and has it on stock - non depreciating) as I would pay 40% tax due to being just over the threshold in my day job.
    I just see it as making sense for me and it's something I enjoy - and yes it would be good to realise some profit and retire early. I count myself lucky certainly, but I do work for it too :worried:
    Overall I agree with your sentiments - but everyone can't have cheap rare bikes and the market will always find the worth at any point in time, same with £50K Mk1 Escorts and the like...
  15. I agree with you both in principal and in sentiment- and- for the avoidance of doubt- my comments weren’t directed at you personally, only on the ‘market’ as a whole. Like you, I buy/ bought things because I loved them first, and secondly because they were a safe/ sensible (as much as these things can be) purchase, that was to some extent going to underwrite my Fun.
  16. I buy what I like. I just try to do it sensibly and have only ever bought one new bike in my life. :upyeah:

    If I lose money, I lose money. It's not my driver for buying them. But I give myself every chance.
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  17. Me too. Win some, lose some: it’s all win, as I still got to enjoy the bike. It’s just Fun tax, and there’s far worse ways to lose money.
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  18. I did realise you were not directing it at me personally :blush:
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  19. I was the highest bidder for the above mentioned 999R when it suddenly disappeared from eBay.I’m not one of these people who emails the seller asking if he has a buy it now price when it is being sold as an auction,so very frustrating when a dealer comes in and takes the bike only for it to reappear the very next day at £2k more!
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