848 1098 Race/track Fairings

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Townsend6413, May 29, 2018.

  1. Anyone have a set of race/track fairings for an 848/1098/1198 knocking about that could be of use to me :) Give me a shout
  2. if the buyer of the baffles isn't fussed which I think he isn't you can have a standard screen I'd need to check with him first, I also have no problem you using the baffles on your trackday if it helps, I did offer yesterday, I would need to check with the buyer but I can't imagine a problem....I wouldn't have a problem
  3. hi. thanks for the offer but I have bought some off a different forum member. thanks
  4. Ricambi weisse do pretty good vfm stuff
  5. so you don't want the free screen if the buyer of the baffles doesn't want it?
  6. oh sorry. missed that bit. yes please!
  7. Ok I'll find out but I'm sure he only wants baffles I been a bit busy with stuff I'll pm him hopefully you can have it be useful spare for when you triple salco at craner :upyeah:
  8. I'm on their site now but hard to understand if these parts are in stock. can't find production times anywhere. it just states shipping time 3-4 days??
  9. haha cheers
  10. I’ve got a rear seat /tail unit if any use I’ll take pics
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  11. yes please. pics be good
  12. You can have the screen free :upyeah: the other guy doesn't need it
  13. nice one! postage?
  14. Pm me your details I'll get it sorted I'm not the quickest but I'll sort it hopefully tomorrow when I send the baffles ....I hope I hopefully will with a bit of luck god willing and the angle of sunrise I'll be on it like a flash type thing :upyeah:
  15. I’ve got two sets of 848 race fairings. Open to offers...


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  16. ordered a kit from Skidmarx this morning. but would be interested in the trims that fit under the seat
  17. i have a full set of Chinese road fairings I'm looking to get rid of?
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