British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. hmm, in the EU was there a henri de huit? a kemmer das herr maybe?
  2. If you want there to be, finm. You only have to want it badly enough.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. it seems many did. or at least imagined the EU conducted it's self similarly.
  4. Takes no imagination to work out how the EU conducts itself. You have only to observe it with an open mind : o )
  5. deffo, along with the alternatives, i forgot to thank you btw for lobbying the uk gov re the power grab. as i keep saying, yer a good man. i never really understood how less is more, but i think i got it now. :upyeah:
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. [​IMG]
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  7. This afternoon, the new Prime Minister appointed by the President of Italy was due to be sworn in and whilst the media were there waiting to watch and ask questions, the swearing in was cancelled with "an announcement" due tomorrow.

    One of the rumours and it is just that at the moment, is that the Former IMF senior official who was appointed by the President to be Italy's next Prime minister, Mr Cottarelli has already said that it is pointless for him to create a government that will be collapsed within a few days and far better to go straight to new elections. What this does, if correct, is moves the time period for new elections earlier to around July and not September which will worry the eu even more.

    It would seem a considerable amount of Italians are realising that if the eu can jet in people to be Prime minister of a country that never belonged to a political party, let alone one at election time then the eu is enforcing eu rule over the democracy of the people and many lay the blame firmly on Germany's doorstep.

    I suspect May will use this and keep stalling on the brexit detail to frighten the eu into thinking they can't afford all of this to hit the fan at the same time, it's a gamble but there seems little to lose by it
    #13030 noobie, May 30, 2018
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  8. Now is the perfect time to ask the EU whether they really want that £40 billion or not.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  9. Thankfully you look no further than the end of your nose most days so we are okay. If you also notice the U.K. has made it's o'm obliged to for the eu statement then kept largely quiet. Trump largely does not see us as a threat but more of a friend an in 301 days we can decide our own deals

    The eu is getting it from all sides, we'll be okay and if anything, the decision to make our own decisions by going away from europe looks more than ever, to have been the right choice.

    Have some faith man, you can't spend your life with a half empty glass all the time.
  10. Nowhere in article 50 is there a legal requirement or mention of a leaving fee. Yes we are obliged to meet the financial requirements we have already made in the current rotational budget which ends on the 31st December 2020, the eu agree with this as should we

    The leaving payment was then mentioned as a "payment to ease our way into trading within the eu" whilst at the same time we sought no payment for the eu to sell within the U.K. despite the eu companies selling more to us than we do to them.

    If we do go to wto, and god I hope so and soon so at least business can plan, then it removes the need for the easement payment as we will be on world wide agreed ways of trade.
  11. well, there's one less fascist leading an EU country at the mo.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Agree, there is noway on earth that will fly.

    The dup will say parity with the u.k. or nothing else as they are part of the U.K., Nic will complain she isn't getting any sweeties too and the welsh will, probably sell daffodils
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I agree. But they have budgeted for that 40 billion now and the trouble the Eurozone is in is getting deeper and smellier. As it was always going to of course. They are truly in the shit without that money. (Well they're in the shit anyway but you know what I mean..) The UK should slam a trade agreement down on the table that involves a clean and complete Brexit and tariff-free trade with the 28 member states of Europe just as we manage to have with various other countries in the world without surrendering to some sort of quasi imperial rule, and say sign it or lose the 40 billion, end of negotiation. Then walk out of the room.
    And while they're thinking abut that over their Cognac, sack Philip Hammond, appoint John Redwood in his place and start turning the UK into the low tax, free enterprise Singapore of the northern hemisphere. That should concentrate a few minds.
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  14. What agreements? :thinkingface:
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  15. I'm guessing it was in reply to Martin D's post where he said

    I wouldn't give them a fu*king penny. Neither would Farage if he were running negotiations.
    I mean, what would they do, send more 'migrants' over to collect it from us?
    May is more likely to say 'Oh you want £40 Billion? Well we'll give you £50 Billion then'

    Probably shadow forgot both sides have said, nothing is agreed till everything is agreed, hardly breaking agreements
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