Bucket List

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Troy, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Okay, here goes...

    1. Nail the Saturdays (any order, I'm not fussed).
    2. Be rich enough to commission the professional build of a one-off bike.
    3. Build my own house.
    4. Clean the existing one...
    5. Invent something worthwhile.

    To be honest I reckon the first one's the only achievable one:frown:
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  2. Aww that's so nice, thanks. :)

    I guess if I get old enough I can settle for a mangey old cat that needs feeding in the morning. LOL!

    Not really a 'bucket list' thing, but I am working on a new years resolution to keep a lighter view on things..
  3. Cheers I need feeding twice a day :)
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  4. "Sleep???????"
  5. my god ,

    am i the lucky one..

    did find my soulmate ( Abe's Molly)
    our kids , all 5 of them, are doing great
    built my own business since 2008 to something pritty respectfull..
    can now do and am doing my own pro project

    i wish you all the same


    ps :does this mean i can go and die then? :(
  6. No you cant you have 5 kids to feed. You are indeed a very lucky man. Just think in years to come they will all be arguing over which one has to put up with you over Christmas pmsl
  7. when i'll be old, i'm off to the care home.. i'll be 85 , not garanteed today, i'll be the nice one amongst the moaning / whining ones and i'll be washed everyday by someone 25% my age ! :)
    and in the mean time, i'll make sure i ve got loads of great memories to take with me... :)
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  8. Success is nothing to be ashamed of. Sounds like you've worked hard and are reaping the benefits. You should be proud of the difference you have made :upyeah:
  9. I would really like to do a track day and get out on one of my old Tritons-being realistic though a few bimbles this year in lovely warm sunshine would suffice.
  10. Cross her off yer list mate.....she was rubbish last time I gave her a couple of shoves round the axminster!!!:eek:
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  11. I would like to do a permanent Saga cruise instead of nursing home please

    Pop me overboard when I die - my Grandparents worked on the liners in the 30's and something I'd like to experience when I am less mobile

    If you know what I mean
  12. Trackdays a such good fun as long as you ride within your limits. Dave is running his Italian Bike trackdays this year and BiKE magazine run the ever popular Reclaim Days, which myself and a fair few others have been to. Everybody is friendly and its not a race.
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