You know you are old when ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. You go to a staff party, then you move on to after party at a private house. When you are there you realise that all hot women are not only people you work with but also your subordinates.

    Crap after uneventful night I feel like "massage parlor" is on the list ...

    Feel somewhat depressed now and to hangover to go out on a bike safely.
  2. I just read that all crap it also sounds to responsible and grownup to me WTF when did that happen :(
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  3. Erm, keep taking the pills Luca!:biggrin:
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  4. What pills you on about? ;)
  5. What is wrong with you Man??.. Ding Dong !! Let the dog see the rabbit etc etc? :frown:
  6. You do not know half of it. Do not know if I drunk to much, to little, just right and all that. It was an odd night for me when rather then doing and worrying later I had this news flash of consequences ..... I am telling you I think I am getting old!!

    Off to the gym like a good old boy to watch some bbc...
  7. bbc ?????
  8. Is that not what old people watch bbc news?
  9. All the time!!!And the FTSE100!!
  10. Sure you will have better fun with your monster Luca ;-D
  11. when you pay more for the candles than the cake

    when the movie you think is recent has a phone with a cable attached on in

    the list goes on
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  12. Come on everybody you all should know better- YOUR ONLY AS OLD AS YOU WANT TO BE. :biggrin: :biggrin:
  13. oh telly at the gym
    i used to watch womens arses telly these young uns :biggrin:
  14. Lol
    I got more pleasure running next to the fit guy than watching tele
  15. think we should have a virtual gym ..............bring your own fit person lol:biggrin:
  16. Ooooo
    I'm bringing Louis Smith with me to start
  17. you can no longer bend an iron bar over your boner....
    because of the athritis in your elbows....
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  18. Till last night I was of the same thinking. I did go to a party where 30% of people were from local student accommodation.

    Problem is I acted more responsibly then I usually do which scared me today. I mean do not get me wrong, got slightly pissed but only had 2 bottles of cytrynowka.
    I managed to run away from inside a car seconds before driver got arrested for drink driving. I managed to "find" this crazy Russian blond girl of average looks amongst the 30%. About half of the members here could be her parents so any Russians here?

    Yet I was sensible about anyone from work, including those two ....

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    It is not the same that one was not me this one is all about me ;)

    Have an idea for another thread.
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