Nick Clegg and private education

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Is he right that private education is “corrosive for our society and damaging to our economy” and is he right to send his children to private school.

  2. I don't know? :eek:
  3. No its not corrosive, just expensive. I think if you asked most parents they would send there children to public school. Its the money. Although not all public schools are good. Westminster school then Trinity, cambridge. very nice.
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  4. It's fffffff*****ng expensive, especially with twins!!

    Some would say that only the 9 Clarendon schools of the Public schools act are the real ones, so Shrewsbury, Eton, Harrow, Charterhouse, Rugby, Merchant Taylors, Winchester, Westminster & St Paul's.

    I didn't send mine to any of those!
  5. Well I've been to both kicked out at 14, went to tutors after that

    I dont think getting rid of private schools would be a good move for the UK
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  6. Bit rich coming from was idiots like that (privileged, well educated and normally at the tax payers expense in grammar schools) that dumbed down education doing away with grammar and split sex schools in the 70's and 80's. Didn't stop them or theirs going to Eton or wherever.

    In my experience, private education gives as much in confidence in ones own ability as it does in education per se. This confidence along with a little school tie impact gives the push into higher parts of work and society rather than the education alone. Well that and money...
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  7. Both kids went to public school:rolleyes: I don't think its corrosive it should benefit those that go the state route as more funds should be available
  8. Sorry thats bollox, private benefits state schools only where local links allow kids to share better failities (fairly rare) or if it provides the leaders of tomorrow with better skillsnto lead the poor and unwashed ;-)

    arent there tax breaks for private school fees....and whats the odds those able to afford the best dont pay much tax in comparison to your lower paid worker to start with...and I'm sure ther are more beneits to the state in use of private healthcare than education

    I wanted to send my son private, missus disagreed and we didnt, and luckily have decent local schools so I gave in.

    of course its only my opinion and could be entirely wrong
  9. Frankly....I just dont give a s##t.
    Not a single politician I would p### on if they were on fire. Anything they have said past or present will be changed to match the 'sound bite' of the day/ Just IMO. :wink:
  10. There aren't tax breaks on school fees but independent schools get charitable tax status, something that has been threatened with removal in the past.
  11. Wasn't Nick Cleggs old man a stockbroker ? Probably the closest he got to a Grammar school was when he drove past one.

    I think you are right about the confidence thing though.

    Unpaid internships seem the way into the top jobs these days, and who can afford to work for free for 6 months ?
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  12. Cant you offset your persoanl tax liabilities against shools fees, certainly if you are a grandparent there are options. I know coz I tried that to lol
  13. It is the hypocrisy of people like Nick Clegg, Diane Abbott, the Blairs and others who insist that the children of the proletariat go to the local comprehensive whilst they send their darlings to fee paying schools that gets me. They then try to square the circle by saying that as a politician they disapprove of fee paying schools but as a parent they must do what is best for their child. It really does make you sick.
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  14. News to me bradders. I am pretty certain school fees are paid with earnings after tax.
  15. [​IMG] Tax breaks for school fees! [​IMG]

    Ah, god that should be in the 'Joke' thread.

    It's a new Pani Tric a year per child and that's cash in full.

    Public school is not all about future politicians.

    Their school contributes to our winning at test cricket, we might not have have enjoyed the greatest try at rugger ever and a few of the golds at last year's and previous Olympics wouldn't have been won, the school is full of excellent art, creative performance, imaginative writing and they mix with kids from every walk of life, nationality and background. It specialises in pupils who suffer from dyslexia, it doesn't rank highly with OFSTED, it always has and will continue to work out it's own important measures.

    That is why I'm happy to pass up on a few toys to send them there, they leave with an ability to get by in life and converse at any level with anyone. They are told that it's important to be the best that they can be, but that success is not as important as happiness. Local kids get scholarships and foreign resident parents or those that can afford to, pay extra to cover their cost, sometimes in full.
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  16. Sorry, its inheritance tax breaks rather than income old fogies get :)
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  17. I've checked and it definitely says under your username and mine 'Senior Member' which is about the best description of the two of us I could come up with! :upyeah:
  18. Lol senior in posting but not in years....although my son goes to uni next year!!
  19. And you find comfort in socks :wink:
  20. Yup !! Well said!
    Mind you in my youth ... Lol
    The boys from the private school " Ding Dong!"
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