Benson Multi Rideout

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by Kirky, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. Fellow Multistrada riders!

    So after a long break it's time for an overdue meeting at the Waterfront Café, Benson, Oxfordshire OX10 6SJ at about 10am, on Saturday, 23rd June.

    Will review the weather and if bad will cancel, hopefully May's weather continues :cool:
    Depart after a Tea/Coffee (or a fry-up), at 10.45am

    1st Stop: On Yer Bike, Westcott, HP18 0JX.
    Then take in the B4011 on the way back or onto Brackley - decide on the day.
    Put these in your Satnavs if so equipped. I will slow/stop as required at or before major direction changes.
    Only ride at your own comfortable pace and leave plenty of space between bikes.



    Please let me know if you plan to come.

    #1 Kirky, Jun 4, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. Thread moved
  3. Why? It is a rideout aimed at other Multistrada riders. Keeps numbers manageable and rider style similar. Yea, I'm a bike racist ;)
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  4. Sorry, I shall be heading back from a week in Scotland.
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  5. Last time (I was there) we had a super leggy and D16.... I was right up their arses until about 145....... ummmmm, bit quick for an A road dudes!
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  6. Me want to ride....
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  7. Because it’s a ride out. The fact that you just want to keep it to multistradas is fine by me. But it’s still a ride out and that’s where people look for that sort of thing.
  8. Put me down for attending @Kirky . 23 June works for me.
  9. Sorry I can't make it, I'll be in France heading home from the EMM.
  10. I disagree, it's not an open rideout but specifically targets Multistrada riders for a meeting and ride. It has always previously been under the Multistrada forum without any previous Administration issues and has worked very well. We even had Andy Downes from MCN join us a few years back and featured in a two page MCN article. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive but the responsibility for riders safety in today's litigious society always hangs around us.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Have a good time with the EMM group :)
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  12. Thanks for the invite Ian, although no longer on a Multi as an ex long time / old crew owner / previous 'Kirky rideouts' participant, look forward to seeing some of the old gang again :D
    #ktm1290interloper #don'tbetooenviousguys lol
  13. A few pics from previous meets to wet the appetite...




    One of our meets even made national news.....well MCN actually lol


    @andydmcn ?
    • Like Like x 2
  14. I will be there, be good to meet up with like minded people.

    2016 Tourer DVT
  15. Have a great time I'm dealing with a hefty over-draft!

    • Like Like x 2
  16. @AndyW - you obviously didn't see my replay above (#9) saying I couldn't make it. There are at least another 2 or 3 guys on your list who may also not be able to make it as they could still be riding back from the EMM.
  17. My bad :D ......had seen your post but didn't register when looking for 'old crew' to's my age you know! lol
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