Who else loves their kids?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kenoir, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Well, I consider myself blessed because I have three wonderful kids.

    Like many, I didn't really want kids but as I got older, the idea became more appealing.

    If all you do is look at the pros and cons, you'll never have kids. On the face of it, they seem to be a drain on your time, money, energy, freedom, nerves. However, there's something more that doesn't come across in a list, something you will only understand if you have kids and if outweighs the cons ten fold.

    Please don't look at the ill-brought up, un-cherished, badly behaved kids and think they're all like that. Because most are great kids, finding their way in life just like all of us did when we were their age.

    For me, it's simple, there is nothing more rewarding and loving than the relationship you have with your kids, and today's even more special because my youngest is 7 today.

    Happy Birthday gorgeous Gracie!!! :smile: :biggrin: :upyeah:
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  2. With out doubt the best thing I ever did was having my son. He is the only person in my life that I can forgive in a second. He is the reason I get up every day and do what I do. Of course I dont let on to him. Wouldnt want him getting ideas above his station ;-)
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  3. I love my kids
    I'm blessed as a single mum to have two very well balanced kids
    That is helped by letting them have full contact with their dad and his family as well.

    It's the simple things that make being a parent such joy like homemade cards telling you your wonderful to email off my 14 year old about a bond between mother and son.
    It's unconditional love and it's the best
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  4. Yep, I love my chiddlers :)

    Even though I'm probably an unsuitable parent :biggrin:

    I have three, plus a stepson. I'd like to think we have brought them up to be kind, polite and (reasonably) hard-working. It's great when they're teenagers, I just love their newly-minted outlook on life, and they are such good fun. Of course we all like going out with our own mates, but they have said the best times are when we are all together and out having a drink/meal and a laugh somewhere. Like Christmas day - they are always getting the photos out later on in the year and having a giggle. When they're all squeezed up on the sofa together watching a film I think how much I love them. And I know they love me too, they still want their cuddles. They are good kids (not perfect!) and have had the right values dinned into them, so I reckon they'll make pretty damn fine grown ups.

    And happy birthday to Gracie! :smile:
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  5. Absolutely love my daughter who has enriched my life and made me a less selfish person she knows right from wrong and is getting a good education but starts to learn to drive next month, what I can't be doing with it is miserable whining windup merchants you come across in your life!!

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  6. two boys - they are going to be 18 & 21 a month apart this year

    bless em both they are on the whole pretty darn fantastic - although I do agree other peoples are best avoided

    My best friend told me here 17 year old daughter had called her up while she was on motorway 'Mum I've just taken Acid what should I do'

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  7. Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Jimmy Saville and Gary Glitter....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it....Don't say it....don't say it...


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  8. got 4 kids love em to bits .....................can i go back to work now pleeeeeeeeezze:biggrin:
  9. anth what about woody allen
  10. My own, yes
  11. Surely every sane person loves their kids :wink:
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  12. I do. Life is richer with her.
  13. I have two boys. They are both very different, but equally good company. My best friends.
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  14. I have one daughter, she's 6 now, and becoming her own little character -

    Greatest thing I ever made x
  15. I love my 2 kids,kids are great :upyeah: But Grandchildren are better :biggrin:
  16. Who was on the motorway? Your friend or her daughter? I would have advised the young lady to kick back and relax! Some of the world's best music has been written or conceived whilst on acid, and other hallucinogenics, and she's a kid - she is very likely to experiment with drugs and I'd rather know about it and make sure they were ok.
  17. Lol mum was on motorway

    Drugs not really the issue , just what the little darlings put us through at times

    Christ my mum still doesn't know I smoked lol
  18. Come have a wander down my High Street, you may change your mind...
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  19. I adore my daughter, she means the world to me. Before we had her I didn't understand all this unconditional love stuff and the whole kids thing. I do now. I would give my life up in a heartbeat for her, what more can I say. Apart from I'm going to be the father from hell when she's starts dating! I've already told the wife, she's already trying to reign me in!
  20. My two grown-up boys make me proud.
    They share the qualities that I like about myself and do not appear to exhibit the many failings that I see in myself - which I think is a result. They share my work ethic, sense of empathy for others and they are pretty bright.
    I cannot claim much credit - their mum and step-dad probably deserve most of that - but my boys love me and I love them. So I guess I didn't completely blow it.
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