I'd be wary of eu ability to count. If the recent meeting of the G7 involved Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States, why was the eu there too? That makes it 8 and the eu isn't even a country. Dastardly fellows
How will leaving the EU, which is richer than most of Britain bar London and making it more difficult to trade with those richer parts of Europe, make the poor parts of Britain any richer? Its just beggars belief how naive and gullible Britain has become. You wait til the Tories reduce your pensions further, make you retire later in life if at all, make you work longer hours with less holidays, do away completely with the NHS, the police and the Courts ( two of which they pretty much have already achieved) and make you pay even more taxes (which they have already done). You are being played.
https://www.irishtimes.com/news/pol...-in-export-products-ahead-of-brexit-1.3520619 No doubt these sort of things were in the mind of JLR when they decided the Discovery will no longer be built in Solihull.
hmm, wheres the noobster? anyhoos, fug em, (with the greatest of respect). i think there's some fruit picking jobs available. tho it doesn't quite explain the growing trade surplus we now have, 4bill and counting. or the record year we have had for inward foreign investment.
Yes, it does. And here you are, sniping on the internet. I don't pay you to be an internet snark. You're welcome.
hmm, the figures sugest i have been subsiding, sorry, paying you. you dont think a silly wee country with a trade deficit of 130bill can do what it does without a cashcow. the figures also sugest the only exporting part of the uk which continually has a surplus and has done pretty much every year since the year dot, is the one that will be hit hardest by another country's decision. tick tock...
Which in itself is suspicious. However if there is any way in which the Southern part of the UK can help our Northern brothers to feel like they are succeeding, just say the word and I guarantee I will try not to laugh.
yip, stop letting them fool you into being angry all the time. your trade partners are starting to notice.
You said that out loud, finm. I can usually tell what you are thinking, no need to broadcast it. And calm down, for Goat's sake!
A bit of your future is orange, at least whilst Trumpy and the Sturgeonator have some say over it. Buckle up, PastyFace.
it is for your lot, aye. and talking of being late, because of you, fuck face, i am now gonna be reet late myself, but no dount they will cope, magnificently.