Question for Bike riders in London?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Both motorbikes and push bikes...................are you all fucking mental and suicidal?

    I've driven in London many times over the last thirty odd years and at all times of the day and night and I can honestly say that I have never seen such suicidal filtering as I did in this mornings rush hour between Dartford and Bloomsbury.

    If you get knocked off your bike and mashed you will have deserved it. Nutters.
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  2. See thread on Public schools and education. Those too stupid to attend state school end up being forced to ride bikes and motorcycles in London on the basis that it culls the really thick and saves public funds incarcerating them.

    Yes I'm being deliberately provocative to all of our commuting colleagues! :tongue:
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  3. Nope, but we are rather good at filtering. I've been doing it for 10 years and am still alive and looking forward to my twice-a-day dice with death. ;)
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  4. It wakes me up in the morning, and it wakes me up in the evening...!
  5. I learnt more about riding and survival in 2 years commuting in london than 20 years anywhere else. Had at least 1 punch up a week.
  6. What's wrong with you non-Londoners then? Soft? Commuting in London is great fun! A proper wake you up. Best if you just put your iPod in, nice and loud, get some good tunes going on, and get cracking! No speed cameras inside town boundaries either......

    Pushbikes and motorbikes for me, roughly half the time on each. 20 years and counting without incident.
  7. A but Ian, the big question is public or state school? :wink:
  8. Wow. I got hit by a car on my pushie in Camberwell, got off lightly though. I had a car hit me on my zx-10 as well, just saw him coming so it was a glance and I stayed on with no damage. Well, to me.

    But otherwise fine and I rode my bicycle pretty much every day for ages. Just treat it like a video game with repercussions :biggrin:
  9. There are plenty of speed cameras about Cham :tongue:. City filtering is a skill, but it can go wrong fairly quickly. Filtering at speed down the A2? even I may draw the line at that one. Riding in the city will always be quicker and nicer than any car, bus or train :biggrin:
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  10. So you don't mind if I knock you off because of the reckless way YOU ride? Pity I didn't know that before or I could have had about 17 of you fuckers off yesterday morning :upyeah:
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  11. Next time your driving through have a look out for all the cars and taxi's with imprint of a size 9 SIDI boot on various panels that will be the ones that have tried many times to knock me off on my way through the city, filtering however crazy it looks from inside your car is a damn site safer that all the in their cars reading the paper or txt'ing or putting on make-up or rummaging about in a bag or the brilliant practise of doing 30 mph while looking into the back of the car to yell at the kids fantastic what a bunch of morons, every single one of them needs a hose connected between the exhaust and the window.
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  12. I love it. London has some of the best road bits around. If you fast enough to get in front of traffic you can have them for yourself at times.

    Hyde Park corner to park lane. Knee down round-about and good right at the end, immediate short sharpish left moving to outside lane. Then sharp fast left drifting across all 3 lanes to outside just in front of Hyde park gate, knee down. Then immediately sharp longer right again drifting to outside, knee down obviously. At the end slight left but because of speed almost knee down and while still in extreme lean power off to the straight to start slowing down for the camera. Pass it and gun it if lights are right sharp left, up pin for a second propelling you up then sharp right and left to I think it is called Battersea road.

    Some good excitement in London including airborne or railway bridges (horrible feeling but fun)!!
  13. Yes. HTH. :upyeah:
  14. No wonder commuting by bike in londinium can be risky with cagers with views like yours ET... ;)
  15. I was driving sensibly and courteously and mindful of the bikes around me, only to be carved up with what I would consider to be dangerous riding.

    Don't get me wrong I can filter with the best of them but seriously the standard of riding I saw yesterday was shocking and no car driver would have been to blame if there had been an accident.
  16. Fair doo's. Some of the couriers do have a death wish.
  17. This is my fav part and my local area too. Love it!
  18. When you drive in central London, you can rarely retaliate because of the traffic, this is simply a fact of life. I will not apologise to car drivers for blippiing the throttle if I think they are dangeriously close to me.

    There are nutters everywhere not just in London, and you should have seen the way some cyclists filter and cut up motorcyclist - and they don't even pay for the privilege, having 0 bhp.
  19. Knee down around Hyde Park corner. You're my new hero :tongue: I quite like thrashing it around St James, The Mall etc, but only on Bank Holidays when no idiots are around :upyeah:
  20. Commuting in London can be fun, though rarely at this time of year, although I still prefer it to the train. I try and treat car drivers with courtesy (a wave if they let you through gaps never goes amiss), though there are a lot of inconsiderate arseholes.

    Plus noone keeps to the speed limit..
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