British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Consultancy firms do not work for nothing, it would be interesting to see who paid for the report and what they define as the most negative scenario?

    there is no such thing as no deal as we have two deals on the table
    (1) the prefered option, we reach an amicable deal with the eu and both sides are as happy as possible
    (2) We go to WTO as most of the world outside the eu uses, even the eu uses it.
  2. I see even the Tories are now promising us tax increases. This is all going well isn't it? :joy:
  3. Very. A kickback or bonus from leaving the EU to pay for NHS. 5 minutes later taxes will increase.

    In truth, not even a crystal ball was required to see this one coming and where the money will come from. It wont be any bonus from leaving. Anyone who genuinely believes that needs to have a talk with themselves. By the time border control is put in place, NHS 20billion found, new satellite system once pushed out of Galileo, continue to subsidise farmers for 5 year after Brexit ( a very small list from a lot of potential consequences if they dont sort their shit out...laughable.

    But we will be told 'it will all be worth have control of our borders...sovereignty..better economy'.

    Some one in the Conservative party has big fingers and little buttons on their calculator!
  4. Add to the list that it will no longer be profitable for companies to assemble goods for sale in the EU to the list unless the Tories relax their demands on wanting to have their cake and eat it too.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. ...I think cake might be in for a tax increase also.
  6. Do you want UK laws made by Westminster? Or by Brussels/Strasbourg?

    Every other consideration is minutiae and dickering over cost. If you don't care who is running the show, for whatever reason, then that's cool but you have to admit that to yourself (if no one else).
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. It's like watching the little and large show with you two trying to see who can out gloom each other.:D

    When the eu negotiated with Canada and every single non eu country, the eu sought to pick and choose what they wanted from a deal. The eu have been having their cake and eat it in every single negotiation they have ever had so lets stop painting the eu as some poor 6 year old choirboy in a church shall we.

    Most people agree they would be willing to pay extra tax for the nhs as long as it was ring fenced and kept within the nhs so please, this is a tax increase most are willing to pay for a better service

    Gallileo, I do wish some would look properly at the items they use, did you know JB that gallileo will fail unless it uses two key places, the Falkland islands and the Ascencion island which last time I looked, are British dependencies. They need these dependent's to allow a global link for the system. Without the British, they are fekked. Please do look it up

    Why shouldn't we assist the farmers for the first few years but you seem to miss how they are paid.

    The figures for 2016 by the ONS

    The overall figure to the eu parliament is £18.9 billion
    £5 billion of that is a rebate which technically never leaves our shores
    This meant then the actual amount transferred to the eu was £13.9 billion
    You also have a further rebate of £4.4 eu funded public and private sector credits
    So this means in actual money we give to the eu in direct (there are lot of indirect payments) is a total of £9.4 billion every year

    Now some remainers have sought to ignore all of those figures, choose the last one and say how will we now fund the farmers and other eu funded stuff from £9.4 billion????

    Those people have a degree from Diane abbots online college

    The entire £18.9 billion a year is ours to do with as we please, the eu paid for jack shit, they simply gave us our own money back wrapped in a eu labelled bag. So where groups like farmers were eu supported, that same money is still there because we were always paying that bill ourselves.
  8. Thing is, our lot are running the show, badly. Look at Austria, Poland, Italy...they do wtftw and maintain their sovereignty. Pretty much outside of supposed EU diktat. The EU have been used as an excuse for all problems, problems that stem back to the banking crisis.
    Greece for example, not the movie, no doubt people think they get a bad deal. But they wanted in, Goldman Sachs cooked the books. So the real culprits for their mess? Goldman Sachs and corrupt Greek Government.

    As to who? runs the show. I am convinced that neither one should have outright control.
  9. John McDonald and his labour mates are worth their weight in comedy gold.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. If you are going to argue that neither Westminster nor Brussels can be trusted with the train set, not only will I agree with you, I will buy the first round in any pub crawl we embark upon.

    The thing is, if I don't like the current lot in Westminster, and enough people in the UK agree with my point of view, we will get an opportunity to replace the current crop of useless fecks with a new crop of useless fecks. At least I can aggravate the folks at the top, if nothing else.

    Within the EU though, if I don't like what is happening in the top tier of government, my only option is - do I use mouthwash or not after swallowing? There is not a lot else I, or any number of my fellow UK citizens, can do about the situation.

    It is as simple and straightforward as that.
    • Like Like x 1
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  11. More worrying than entertaining. Dont assume because someone does not appreciate the Tory party in its current form though, that they support nutters like that.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. I think you have to look a bit further and the two biggest culprits on the Greek demise are the European central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) not the mission impossible ones.
  13. God, I hope not. It’s a travesty that libdems voted in a leader with the nouse of a pumpkin and the charisma of a cucumber. They really could grab hold of middle class votes with the right leader and policies.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Yep, thats the one. If we are going to have revolution you sure as hell better make sure ALL of the dead wood is removed. Cant see any improvement coming with a half hearted removal of the cancer.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I like Vince, he's like that favourite uncle who wears odd unmatching socks whilst signing La Marseillaise whilst wearing a colander on his head with pens up his nose whilst hopping down the street semi naked.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. If you have 16 minutes? this is from the european union council not long before the brexit vote, it shows just how much warning they had on immigration, austerity, and the eu needing to change

  17. ANY party with decent policies and the right elected members could win an election.
    EXCEPT they would be up against the full weight of a fascist media and their spiteful establishment controllers.
    The crap 2 party + makeweight system is promoted by the vested interests because it leaves a simple choice for,(in elitists minds),a simple-minded electorate.
    Either vote for flat cap and whippets or top hats and racehorses,just like your parents did.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Something that hasn't been discussed hardly at all in this thread is, what if the remaining 27 countries reject the european commissions deal ? I think some forget, the european comission is employed by the 28 countries and not the other way around.
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