Hello. I have some seized screws on my Panigale. One of the front fender screws and the heat shield screws. The previous owner wasn’t careful, they are rounded off. Any idea on how to remove them? The heatshield can be damaged - a new one is on order. The front fender can’t They are soaking in WD40 as it’s all I have. I have some removal tools on order. Heat isn’t an option for the front fender screw. I guess I could drill that, remove the fender, then use mole grips on the exposed part?
Heat might still be an option... If you heat a poker (or similar) to red heat and apply it to the screw head, it applies very local heat. That might work?
the one on the fender, find the next size up in a quality torx bit. and knock it in. the shock from hitting it will also help to free it off. it may be overkill, but an impact driver is a useful tool. just remember you don't have to beat seven bells out of it for it to work
Also thought I can cut a slot in one side and try tapping it out. After that drilling out is the last option.
Then replace fasteners with quality ones. One downside of Ducati is cheese masquerading as bolts and fasteners. Had issues with my Multi within months despite cleaning, WD40 etc.
I’ve ordered new bolts. I’ll be replacing slowly with Titanium over time. What do you all suggest as anti-seize? Copper grease?
I used this kit when i got in pickle, works a treat - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kitclan-Ex...=8-1-spons&keywords=screw+extractor+kit&psc=1
Use a drill bit that fits snug in the allen key hole. Be sure to keep the drill bit in line with the screw to save damaging the external thread. Usually the screw will come straight out with the drill bit. Drilled a few seized fairing screws out this way without any drama.
What Panigale do you have?, front fender should not be a problem, plenty of good advice above, rear heat shield is a different ball game, if it's a 1199/899 I would remove the rear subframe and just drill them out, I would not try hammering a torx in as you may snap the bracket on the rear header if it's not broken already , just drill out and replace with new. Don't worry about damaging the nuts as they are slip nuts like the faring ones
It’s an 1199. I’m not fussed about the heat shield ones. They will be drilled out. No idea what caused the front fender one but it’s stuck right.