Not at all, rules are rules though. A computer will follow them to the letter and as sad as a death is, it’s progress and shows were things need improving. It happens with all sorts of progress from medicine, engineering, fire safety, hazardous materials and technical areas. Someone dies or gets injured and improvements are made. Now, because it’s a computer doing it, people think it’s 100% avoidable. It’s not, and let’s not forget the person was jaywalking. Go back a long way to when cars were being trialled by humans and if someone walked out of dark shadow, jumped in front and died, you’d get barely a raised brow. Why so different now?
Maybe because we can launch a shuttle to Mars, we have auto-learning robotnics and can speak t someone, with a few seconds delay, face to face on the other side of the world. Oh, and we have H&S these days
American lawyers who sue weren't around then Never mind mars, I want to kill the bloke who changed marathon to snickers
I still reckon that was a Marathon exec who got caught talking to his mistress about her knickers. Styled it out as a work call and had to follow through with the name change.
Very true. I am sure that even with autonomous vehicles the average speed from A-B in London will the the same as it was in the days of the horse. This is of course based upon rumour and speculation as I have not actually been in London for many years and have no intention of going there any time soon, or ever again, if I can help it.
Unfortunately I work there. Full of cyclists tearing around on single speed bikes with one brake if that. Bloody nutters. If I rode my motorbike like they did, I’d get banged up.
Am i alone in finding that totally irrelevant? Video was clear: no one could have probably taken any action under those circumstances. And what kind of human can be 100% attentive when nothing happens for hours? Pilots aren’t.
The video did show the woman just appeared out of the darkness at the last second. It also appears as though the car had ample time to react had the software deemed it necessary. Therefore self driving car must be better because it could see what a human could not, it just was programmed wrong. This will be fixed and rolled out
Fixed to do what? Run into the central reservation? Slam on brakes, get rear ended? Swerve into oncoming traffic? And how will it make a distinction between a person and a large animal? So much I know, so far to go, so much vapourware. Also seems Musk is being found out a bit too....seems the oil didn’t cure herpes, indigestion and cancer after all
Fixed to make better analysis. It saw her and deemed her to not be worth braking for. That can be fixed.
Or...I saw her, not worth serving or braking for. We will build in the worst of people or the best of people: we can’t build both.
Toyota to put half a billion in. To a company that made 400m loss last quarter and are changing strategy to push bikes. Someone in Japan has eaten a rotten puffa fish and having an hallucination