Racing legends Colin McRae programme

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wassy, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. #1 Wassy, Jan 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
  2. Bordering on reckless, a win it or bin it kind of guy. Pity he had to take others with him when he crashed his helicopter by flying too low and too fast in an unsafe manner.
  3. Good program, the 1990's seem like ancient history, I hope they do one on Richard Burns as well.
  4. you watch enough, eventtualy even Aryton Senna looks like a prima donna. Thats the media for you, worthless muthereffing do nothing yankers
  5. Thankfully we're all not like Rebecca Brooks :tongue:
  6. A great programme, I dont have a problem with his win or bust attitude. He was a young lad hungry for success. Look at things Senna, Prost, Schumacher, or even Fogerty did to get a win, all at the top of their game pushing hard and sometimes overstepping what others think is acceptable.
  7. Really pisses me off that all these guy's are worshipped and lorded and can do no wrong until they make a small mistake and immediately it's because they are reckless and unsafe....must be pilot error, rider error etc. etc.! the real answer being nobody knows what happened so lets make this really simple and blame the man with the controls then everybody is happy and most importantly the records can apportion some blame, show me a man or woman with a fast bit of kit who does not show off a little......that must make us all reckless and unsafe.
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  8. i felt that this was a disappointing and very superficial puff piece that was big on rhetoric and small on detail...typical telly really these say it glossed over his reckless regard for the lives of his passengers (particularly his own son) was nothing short of breath taking..he was a, but a fool none the less. screaming along in a rally car is one thing..he was a fantastic driver, but a novice pilot...and his antics in the helicopter was manslaughter in my opinion...
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  9. Yep. The truth hurts sometimes.
  10. This is perfectly OK in a rally car designed for the task, assuming the team can bear the additional cost.

    Helicopters don't crash well. They also have tight operational envelopes with potential major consequences for exceeding limits. Height is safety, it gives you options.

    To fly a helicopter like you would drive a rally car is unsafe. There were also some irregularities with the service record / certification of the helicopter, which although they didn't neccessarily have anything to do with the crash do tell you something about his willingness to go outside what would be considered normal operating rules.
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  11. I can't think of much worse than being like Rebekah Brooks.

    Anything but Ginger
  12. Its nice to see that I couldnt even be bothered to spell her name correctly :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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  13. the truth is that he was an inexperienced pilot exhibiting poor airmanship, contravening aviation rules, flying too low, too fast over difficult terrain, lost control and caused the death of two children and his friend...the evidence of what happened was the mass of smashed metal, trees and bodyparts scattered at the scene. the findings were the result of accident investigators and witness reports amongst other things. there was no mechanical failure of the helicopter or its instruments..this is well documented.
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