
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. I know he comes in for loads of flack... And I for one think his Mrs needs to smile ffs!!!!
    I'm not into "brand Beckham"
    But he's been signed PSG in Paris.

    He's donated his 6 months salary to a children's charity which is seizable amount to children's charity in Paris.

    I know that's the wheels of PR for them ..
    It's dam good PR !!
    But also pretty big hearted.
    Their wages are mental I know .
    But he could have just pocketed it.
    So hats off to him even if you don't like the guy.
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  2. cannot stand utd, but like becks, good on him but in honesty he has done a great deal for sport in this country in all sorts of roles including the olympic game ambassador and the like
  3. I heard Becks was transferring. Assumed it was from Armani to Ralph Lauren.
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  4. I loathe Man U as well !!
    but top fella!
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  5. Its a shame its seen as a PR stunt, as the guy doesn't need PR and suspect he's been doing similar for years. Ther are a few who do, eg its reported Tevez supports a football project in Argentina with £1m a year donation. Trouble is, the sums these giys earn, its difficult to kwow if its Bill Gates or Jimmy Carr in respect of their intentions...
  6. Oh and go wash your mouths out; Man U biggest and best club in the world :cool:
  7. Mrs H likes his chocolates:

    Ferrero Rocher - like Beckham they come in a posh box.
  8. I remember him as a 16 year old signing his first boot contract with..........................Clarks Shoes! I kid you not, pre adidas days.
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  9. I remember George Best Stylo Matchmakers boots, not to mention Billy's Boots (appeared in 'Tiger' and 'Scorcher' comics when I was a lad).
  10. I loath football. From what I've seen of him in interviews he seems a nice enough bloke. But let's face it, if he couldn't kick a ball he'd be working in a clothes shop or similar(Not that there's amything wrong with that! ) I think most of his haters are just jealous of his wealth and success. If someone offered me wages like that to knock a ball around a pitch I'd rip their hands off! If you think that's a generous donation, Google the Bill Gates Foundation...
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  11. Were "TUFF" Pathfinders with the compass in the heel not still around then???????
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  12. No, this was the early 90's, Tuf were earlier, 70's I think.
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  13. bless em - they our real Royal couple
  14. I think the Beckhams are given a lot more shit than they deserve. They're just a family, they rarely say anything or do anything controversial, they seem to dote on their kids, and the pair of them have made many charitable donations and deeds over the years. She still gets on my tits, but they're very hard to dislike.
  15. Ward's Grand Prix shoes. Names after race circuits & had soles like tyre treads:

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  16. Tuf - surely they did the "Animal Tracks" shoes that I wasn't allowed to have?

    I have a soft spot for Becks - a bloke from humble beginnings who made good. So he is overpaid for playing football, but then so are many others. I can't see what there isn't to like about him - he seems like a perfectly affable guy who isn't too up himself. If Posh smiled once in a while it wouldn't do her any harm but once again, she's done a lot better than she could possibly have predicted surely.

    At least they bring entertainment to many - more than you can say about a lot of bankers.
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  17. I wasn't allowed to have them either. i think the ones with the animal track soles also had the compass in the heel.

    The first time I was allowed to go out and buy shoes without my parents present, I was given clear instructions to only get Clarke's brogues. Went back home with a pair of shiny red & black platform soles, and got an almighty bollocking!
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  18. Yep. Pretty sure the Animal Tracks had the compass in the heel. Maybe there's a new version with a GPS.

    It was strictly Clarkes for me too - I never had any say in the matter.
  19. Pathfinders???

    Clarks doesn't have an E.

    People mix them up with Clarks Commandos.

    Most don't realise there were no Clarks shoe shops before 1986.
  20. ;)
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