Predictive text?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. How does it know what I'm thinking? :smile:
  2. It doesn't know what I'm thinking half the time, which is why it insists on writing all sort of stuff I didn't even mean.
  3. i think predictive text is a pile of shiv.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Cock. Anal.

    It's the same damned thing. Precisely the same.
  5. You were trying to type "Amal" as in carburettor, weren't you? Admit it.
  6. Um, OK Glidd ... let's say "Yes" to that question.

    (It was actually a friend-girl who pointed it out to me, I never realised.)
  7. dont try Siri then
  8. Siri's shit. If you ask it where all the naughty girls are, it doesn't know :rolleyes:

  9. fixed for you El T :upyeah:
  10. One of the forum members on here was asking it for " find PVC nurses" Siri was not happy!!!!
    I was excited about Siri ( I'm a nerd :( )
    I used it 3 times and got bored !
  11. Siri is a London cyclist, evidently they all know what you are doing! :wink:
  12. Or it says this is available in America ????
    Stupid Siri!
  13. I've got a Samsung SIII, it learns as you text and gives you a choice of next words at the bottom of the screen! I can write sentences with a single press a lot of the time. It's very clever and works with forum posts too!
  14. dont need predictive text the wife tells me what to say and sometimes where to go ................:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 3
  15. My (neo-Luddite definitely-not-smart other half's cast-off) phone's predictive text is hopeless - why it would think I want the word "adds" more frequently than "beer" I do not know!
  16. I got really pissed off with the predictive text on my old Nokia.

    It refused to recognise phrases such as "it's pissing down". You couldn't say shit or fuck either. It wouldn't even learn these words. Brilliant. Just what you need, your life and self-expression censored by corporate Finland.
  17. good throod mite
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