Dear Deidre My email inbox is getting full and my wife is complaining that I'm receiving many notifications of replies to threads that I've contributed to. I've told her that I tried to find the on/off switch for this but must be missing something. I'm not sure that she believes me any more and this is starting to have an effect on our relationship. She's seen that as the site becomes busier then I am spending more time playing with my inbox. She thinks I have an obsession. I'm not sure I can cope any more. What can I do? Please help!!
Settings > General Settings >Default Thread Subscription Mode, then select what you want, either No subscription, daily/weekly/ via email, control panel. Any new thread that you post or reply to will then follow those rules. You can unsubscribe from threads which you already subsrcibe to following Robs post above.
Dear Deidre(s) I'm pleased to say that I tried taking your advice and it worked! I'm pleased to say that my inbox obsession has gone away - at least for the time being. Needless to say, if I find that things are all going wrong for me again, I'll be back to ask for some more help. In the meantime, I have one other fixation that is causing a problem for some of my harem. Although some of the more adventurous ones amongst them seem to like it, others don't really want to join in. What should I do? Get rid of the boring ones or just keep them for nights when I'm feeling a bit tired?