Am trying not to log in... (look at that greencat 28 weeks and not logged in) but seening youve mentioned it... ive already noted it in my diary as its a weekend am not working...
I'm still in @its me... On a slightly different subject, there is also the Lincs Italian Motorcycle Show on Monday 28th May too if anyone is free and fancies a meet and ride out
Shame im away in Haggis land. I must Remember to sacrifice a haggis to the weather gods.....Although they're very elusive wild haggis.
Sounds good to me, I'll post something in the Lincolnshire thread to try and organise a plan with those who wish to join us
Bump bump. Hope the good weather continues....keep sacrificing the chickens and keep that sun god happy. Times and more info closer to the date.
I'm based in Leeds so we could meet on route. There will be one from malton I'll be meeting , chance of one from Bradford too and maybe Tobytyke Heckmondwyke if he's still alive?