British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. As soon as Obama said back of the queue, it was obvious he had been dragged into project fear
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  2. :D a lil small, plenty of places to hide in my place if indeed that was what i was saying, i dont do fuel, its a burden, there's no money in it, and it was actually due to run out any time now...
  3. And here we get to it. The nub. Why on Earth would, or should,, Scotchland be a special case in the UK?

    Every other region has to put up with politicians backsliding, ignoring local concerns, lying about their intentions, looking after their chums to the exclusion of the electorate as a whole, every damned thing that politicians can be relied upon to do ...

    Why should Scotchland be treated as a special case? What's the meaningful argument? OK, let's accept for one moment that they are "more special" than any other demographic. What makes the Scottish believe that once they have their own top table, their leaders will be any more honourable, with a jot more integrity, than those in Westminster? Is it because the Scottish are more honourable, have more integrity than folks in other UK regions? Is it because the personality traits of the sort of folk who seek high office in Scotchland are different from the traits exhibited by p̶s̶y̶c̶h̶o̶p̶a̶t̶h̶s̶ similar folks in Westminster?

    And the obsession with devo max! More power but still with the same level of accountability - the same ability to cry Tories! Westtminster!! when things go horribly wrong - such moral dishonesty.

    If Scotchland wants independence, I say go for it. I see no evidence of that being a majority desire but we won't know until the next generation votes on it. They can then put their money (but not GBP) where their mouth is and should their leadership demonstrate an unexpected degree of probity and integrity not seen in Westminster for many decades, if ever, I for one will applaud. Genuinely.

    The UK has voted for Brexit in an effort to unshackle itself from oversight by the Brussels politburo. A top-down shake-up of the EU is impossible so the next best thing, a top-down shakeup of the UK, must suffice and for that to have any meaning, it must take place outside of the constraints of the EU.
    The same may be true for Scotchland, but they didn't want that, they chose "security" if that is what it is. Having made that choice, they will have to suffer UK government oversight, the same as any other region of the UK. If the lies sold to Scotchland by Westminster were that bad, the next referendum for independence will be a shoe-in for Indy. If they were the same run-of-the-mill lies that we all have gotten used to in the UK, Indy will continue to be a pipe-dream and a stick to beat Westminster with over the inherent dishonesty of devolution.

    Thread closed :finmgrinm:
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  4. I've reconsidered this and would like to change my previous response to.......

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  6. well loz, there we have it. to quote yer first line. the quintessential Englishman, all wrapped up in one post.
    written by somebody clearly amoungst brightest in the land, notice how i didnt say knowledgeable? who has an interest in current affairs, probably read a bit of history as it written, who isnt aware of what underpins the uk and has a very limited or maybe blinkered knowledge of events, and no less likely to tar with the same brush.
    that post was either designed to eh..spark debate :innocent:, or just yer typical britnat rant. yip loz, might is right? politics loz, not for you bud.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Quintessential UK man, I think you mean. If I was an "Englishman", I wouldn't be allowed to talk politics with you. Protected statuses and that.

    Your "knowledge" misleads you, finm. Every time. The more you think you know, the more easily you are led around by the nose. I've seen this happening to you.

    You'll get it one day, I haven't given up on you.
  8. you should loz, i gave up on you long time, yer a no hope'r, yer resigned to your fate, yer brexit vote was just a silly we protest thats backfired for the rUK, you just wanted to knock something down instead of build, because you think yer powerless. which of course you are in the present uk construct. an angry brexiteer. thats relying on others to repair it for you.. thats how i, and the average joe sees it. make Brittan great again, how? you haven't a clue.
    but dinna worry loz, we is on it. and when we succeed, which we will, only then, will you get yer country back.:upyeah:
    #13588 finm, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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  9. Thats a great analogy of the typical Brexiteer..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Our brexit vote dear fin, I take it you voted? I'm going to say you did so it was our brexit vote

    you just wanted to knock something down instead of build, because you think yer powerless. which of course you are in the present uk construct

    Gotta love a black kettle calling

    Funny thing here, We are leaving for a variety of reasons. One of the largest was immigration and despite SOME remainers, the truth of the matter was we wanted to change from uncontrolled open door no control over our own laws and immigration to seeking (1) anyone wanting to come here would have their application treated equally and (2) we look at our own shortfall of skills and then top it up with immigration.

    The U.K. has been telling the eu that immigration is an issue for at least a decade and time after time the arrogance of the eu commissioners has labelled us alone in this so we realised we needed to do things on our own.

    There is a lovely irony here of course, when we went to brexit, brexiteers were and still are by some, labelled as racists and xenophobes. Now even the eu itself is deep in shit over immigration with some threatening internal borders, stopping shengen, some refusing to take migrants and those same people who claimed brexiteers were racists and xenophobes, are now saying the eu must do something to protect the eu from falling apart.

    You could say they were two faced cvnts, I prefer to see them as we have said many times, they lacked the vision to see beyond their next facebook update and to see what was really happening until it smacked them in the face. That's why the extreme remainers struggle seeing the U.K. will do very well in the future.
    #13590 noobie, Jul 3, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
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  11. upload_2018-7-3_14-15-12.png
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  12. aye, just sit there ans smile loz, non comital as ever, unless yer having a wee rant right enough.
    yip noob, you gorra love a black kettle calling.
    those that know the timeline of the power grab just know, they cant unknow these things, the brexit vote was never sold as the undermining of devolution. devo is v,v,popular in Scotland, your sovereignty was never meant to undermine ours. a partnership of equals. teehee. just keep doing what yer doing.
    latest poll when asked properly.
    49.2 to 50.8. tick tock.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. You have some truth in there, but

    Leave no matter what is as bad as stay no matter what.

    The real irony of the situation is that the timing is perfect to remain. The EU ARE running scared, despite the rhetoric and threats. The UK has plenty like minded European partners that think the EU needs to be reeled in. Our strength to influence, more than ever, is now.
  14. and dont think for one second that the press isnt playing up the issues within the EU, a press that is predominantly pro brexit, a press that is in fear of loosing control.
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  15. Not quite JB.

    The recent case where brexit was dropped to 4th in order of business in the eu meetings shows as always, the eu has always been about Germany and in this case , protecting Merkel. The eu leaders are not doing anything for the people but are it seems, prepared to make verbal changes to protect each other.

    The eu commission is the problem. The commission are employed to be the representative body of the 28 but they seem to have taken over the eu and now tell the 28, it's employers, what to do. The agreement they have made is no agreement at all and has simply made noise but they forget that the Austrians have just taken the presidency of the council and the Austrian new government is no fan of the eu

    I'd like to think the eu would change, but junkers is still in post and Barnier who is even more anti British and a fervent eu tribalist, is being lined up to replace junker. If anything the eu comission will become even more inward looking and the rise in the right will increase. The commission are just too arrogant to change
  16. I can always tell when finm is rattled. Give him time, he'll come around : o D
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  17. The eu commission is the problem. The commission are employed to be the representative body of the 28 but they seem to have taken over the eu and now tell the 28

    does this mean, the successive commissioners that successive uk gov's, LAB and CON, have nominated and sent to the EU to shaped it in their image.
    whats gonna change now the same uk govs have full control?
  18. Is that a riddle fin, could you decipher it?
  19. 4th because there is nothing new to discuss.
    So far our government has been masterful at saying sod all. At least their will be no food shortage.
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