A few weeks back I fitted the supercorsa V3 tyres to the 1299. They're a 60 profile rather than 55 and supposed to have sc1 compound on the edges. I can't say I could tell the difference to the V2 setting similar times (high inter pace round 2.02 at Jerez). The one annoying thing though - they foul the paddock stand so you can't get tyre warmer on , and fitting tyres warmers is tight on the rear hugger So now I need to change my paddock stand but can't find anyone who really knows whether I'll have the same issue with theirs
You could get the existing stand altered at a local engineering shop for not much money. I had one of mine altered a few years ago for a similar issue.
good idea - I hadn't thought of that! Although i can use this stand for another bike - so I don't mind getting a new one - just want to make sure I don't have the same issue with the new one
Looking at the pic, the design would mean the bar still hits the tyre as the bar is aligned with the stands axle (which would raise in line with the wheels whichever size they are).
Being a paddock stand manufacturer, I know there’s a direct correlation between the height of the stand and the amount of effort required to lift the bike. What I would suggest is using the bobbin type axle sliders and using a regular paddock stand with it.
I had a similar problem with my 1198 on one of my stands . Put it on the other one (i think it's a con stand) i had and it was ok