British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. According to the best information I can find the vast majority of shares in Airbus are privately owned, bought and sold on six stock exchanges. The German go have 11%, the French gov 9%, Spanish 4.8%. It doesn't appear to be a German company?
  2. Its a three government largest group share holders with the German government having the largest government share. They also had 19 billion euros in assist from the ECB/eu over the years

    Again though, don't you think it's odd other eu countries/companies/investments are not acting in the way the German based/linked companies are?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  3. You had the same the warnings from Japanese car makers previous to this.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. The share holding is as I wrote earlier. 70% is not owned by the German or any other government AFAIK. I expect many EU Industries have had investment from the ECB, but that is surely a side issue to the JLR statement?

    The UK will have to buy planes from Boeing or Airbus regardless of Brexit. Its not like there is really any choice? The difference might be the amount of UK parts and labour in an Airbus aircraft.

    Whether the French, Polish or Maltese think Brexit is a good thing or otherwise is nothing to do with the JLR statement either imo.
    #13644 Jez900ie, Jul 5, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2018

    Boeing have increased their investment within the U.K. within the last few months as an aside, which I suspect they will mop up any shortfalls if the eu/airbus try playing silly buggers, Airbus know this.

    The JLR statement as I mentioned, we discussed the exact same statement 2 weeks ago when we were discussing the discovery range moving to slovakia. I'm not sure if you recall? Duke posted it saying jlr were not investing anymore in the uk till brexit was done, till a proper article was found to show that the move for the discovery to slovakia was planned many years ago to enable the new range of electric range rovers to now be built at the U.K. discovery plant.

    So why repeat what you had announced in the mainstream media two weeks before? The one thing the eu are not learning because of their arrogance, is that I feel, a fair number who voted to leave, took offence at the number of foreign companies telling the British electorate to do as they were told and their democratic vote counted for nothing. Apart from the German based/backed/owned companies, the rest I feel have realised their folly.

    Let me put it another way, Had the JLR chief officer not been German, been with 20 years at bmw but had say been a canadian, I doubt they would have made the statements that have come out of JLR the last two weeks and today, one day before the chequers meeting
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. So why repeat what you had announced in the mainstream media two weeks before? The one thing the eu are not learning because of their arrogance, is that I feel, a fair number who voted to leave, took offence at the number of foreign companies telling the British electorate to do as they were told and their democratic vote counted for nothing. Apart from the German based/backed/owned companies, the rest I feel have realised their folly.

    yip, when really they should be taking offense with their own successive govs for selling everything off and relying on foreign govs and companies for investment. why would they do this? the uk should not skint. personal gain?
    aye, folly indeed.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. My fin to English translator is broken, I will decipher that when it's fixed, from what I could make out, it's not like you to look back decades than forward fin :D

    That doesn't change to point I made, from the eu, only the germans are twitching nervously
  8. .
    Thought JLR is owned by TATA.

    "everyone knows the German automotive sector will suffer in Germany more than we will"
    Of course they will because they have one, whilst we do not have any left :mad::mad: Last UK owned car you could buy was back in 2011.
    Let aside McLaren or Morgan who are peanuts (as companies) compared to the big players out there.

    One more thing they (germans/japs/indians) can anytime relocate the car manufacturing plants on the continent, what will we relocate back in UK from there?

    Italian and French govs all the time helped out them own car manufacturers if they struggled, whilst our sold everything.
    Peugeot and Renault received shit loads of monies back in 2009 to survive, ours spent £££££ saving RBS, just sold the shares losing £2 billlions from our pockets. What a brilliant move that was. :upyeah::upyeah:

    On another note, are we so poor that cannot afford to pay or build Hinkley PP? Why this needs to be paid by French/Chinese investors? Are we going to complain in 30 years that they made billions in profit? What a joke...

    Vox populi was loud and clear. I really hope they go for a softer version.... otherwise I'll never aford to buy a V4S with another 25% taxes on top of the already ridiculous price tag.
  9. it is, I don't think anyone has said anything different

    Yes the germans will suffer more but no brexiteer expects no consequences here, many have said, myself included, the 2-3 years restructuring that will follow will be the building blocks to something far more positive. How much there is an effect is as much down to the eu than the uk.

    First, McLaren, the former team principal, Ron Dennis, now chairman of McLaren Automotive, and his Saudi business partner Mansour Ojjeh each own 15% of the business. A further 30% is owned by Bahrain's state holding company Mumtalakat. The rest is owned by McLaren automotive shareholders. Not being a pedant but more info if you weren't aware

    Secondly, foreign car companies have not invested in the U.K. because we are pretty, polite or because the channel is a nice day trip out, they invested in the U.K. because as car manufacturing plants, we have some of the best and most productive car plants in europe and some of the best car plant workers also. They have not invested in the U.K. because we are shite, we are far from it and earn that investment and the car companies know it

    This of course works on the assumption they will leave in every circumstance unless we have a brexit in name only, I disagree and do not think they will and will still be here no matter what the deal option whether it is deal one of deal two. Again it's worth pointing out, Airbus has threatened to leave the U.K. many times before, once when we left the e.r.m., once when we refused to join the euro and again if we dared to have a brexit vote so you'll excuse me for thinking they talk shite

    But answering your question even though I do not believe they will leave, I go back to why they chose to invested in the uk in the first place, we are one of the best productive car producers in europe who return a very healthy profit for all of those companies

    Yes and this is called state assistance which the eu themselves have broken wto rules many times over. I agree with you on the banking, there is no way that should ever happen again and if I see Tony Blair or gordon brown I will tell them so. As to the short selling, no fan of that either

    It's called investment, personally I'd like every county to have a massive solar farm and supply the electric to it's residents at a fairer cost. Like so many things however the huge cost will not be tolerated by the U.K. residents because most live in the here and now and not the ten years in front, which then explains Hinkley. The residents of the U.K. have largely always wanted someone else to pay for it. will we complain in 30 years? probably, it's what we do

    I had to look up vox populi, "the voice of the people" in latin and the voice of the people was to leave the eu comission, not a little bit, not every other thursday or on black friday but leave. I would add as no one has applied a 25% tax to anything let alone the pig ugly v4 :D then I'm not sure where you have gotten that figure from.

    Apologies for the long reply
  10. its your quote. well, probably not.
    interesting solution to the Irish boarder issue? looking forward or back?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. I love your colloquial polls fin, even more so when it is only by 1018 people and by wings over sumerzet.

    It highlights a bug bear of mine where percentages are quoted as the nation, when it's normally around just a thousand people and depend on who you ask, can be very skewed.

    Fin the article claims the panelbase poll is new but you have been shovelling this piece of shite( ahem usefull scientific independent research) for ages, which is it?

    Was interesting to see scots rated "whisky galore" as a more popular film than trainspotting
  12. useful.
    what do you think of the potential solution?. make sense no?
    a wee tip for you, wait until yer sober before you reply.
  13. Fin, when I checked the poll by pollbase it showed they had done several polls for summerzet, with their first one being 4th April 2014.

    Now I had to have a chuckle because daily you rant about the unreliability of the msm, so I'm sure you can understand my amusement when I saw the polls put forward by you, a staunch anti mainstream media advocate, are done by a company that also does polls for the Sunday times, The Guardian and The Sunday Times Scotland.

    You could not get a more perfect example of when you submit polls you say they are accurate and when the mainstrean media submits polls you say they are not to be trusted but yet, the same company making the polls for the msm is the same company doing polls for wings and the snp :joy::joy:

    But anyway, what was the question? The border, perhaps this explains the falseness of the border issue and why the eu are hanging onto it rather than say they never wanted a deal with the U.K. and trust me fin, once Varadakar is no longer needed, the eu will have no longer use for their toy puppet and he will sink back into oblivion, he's a pawn

    As to boozing, I tend to avoid it but I did have a blackcurrant cider provided by my son in law two weeks ago, it is the devils juice, tastes like shite.

    I would have done a bottle of jack but now due to tariffs it's far too expensive.. trumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrump
  14. Just an interesting bit of info on polls:

    Often you will get a poll that says 75% of 1000 people polled said that, oh, 'Wayne Rooney is marvelous', for instance. What you aren't told is that the 1000 people is a subset of maybe a 10000 people poll. The 10000 sample is checked for a sequence of responses that back up the result you want. I'll try to illustrate below:

    Each respondent is given a number based on the order in which they were polled, #1 to #10000.

    The responses are tallied and the sequence is thus:

    #1 ..... #3701 - #4700 ..... #10000

    There is a sequence of 1000 respondents who, by chance, report back the response you want at a rate of 75% - in the above sample this was respondent numbers 3701 to 4700. You then "lose" the other 9000 responses for some spurious but defensible reason and lo and behold, 75% of people think Wayne Rooney is marvelous, day is night or up is down.

    I do stats, me.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. I'd say you 90% correct...
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  16. WALOB!

    My own (non German multi-national) organisation is currently planning for BREXIT (as I know many others in our sector are).

    Lets just say the end result will not add to UK GDP.

    PS. I care not one jot whether in or out is right or wrong - we are now doing stuff to protect revenue and profit streams...and thats the reality of the situation at this point.
  17. That's right.

    Business will make business decisions to protect their revenue streams.

    People will vote to protect their way of life.

    Everything is working as it should, as long as government doesn't interfere.
  18. No one can protect their way of life if they have no income stream of their own.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. yip, but the question wasn't asked 4years ago was it.?
    knowing that many of the policies that controls our life's are made on the back of these polls, the info you use is now invalid because wings use it?, the same wings where most of your corrections in papers originate from?.
    if you had put down the wine glass, pulled yer neck in a bit and actually read the piece and followed the links to other polls you would of noticed the lack of ambiguity in the questions asked, unlike the one's posed by other sources.
    the rest is yer typical noob pish, with yer usual crass assumptions.
    yip, trump trump trump, its getting harder by the day to put a cigarette paper between the more ardent of brexiteer and the politics of trump trump trump. and we all know why.
    anyhoo, what do you think of the boarder solution presented? good?, i can only assume you agree going by your reaction.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  20. Okay, I'm going to ask a risky question

    Fin, is there any topic in the entire world that you will not try and turn into a discussion about Scottish independence and if yes, could you tell us what it is so we can learn the key ingredients for other discussions.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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