British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Fin, you're not wriggling out this puppy homie :D

    One of the biggest groups to benefit from brexit and gain lots of powers that were being kept in the eu's pocket so they never had them but now will, will be the very same snp government that is constantly saying it wants to remain in the eu

    A simple yes or no will do
    no, watch the tommy shepard part.
  2. As brexit offends them so much, will they now turn down these extra powers and refuse to accept them as they came through brexit

    Yes or no? :D

    and no more bawbag diverts, people are wise to ya shenanigan's and are watching :eyes:
    those last two lines reaffirm my belief you need help. or, the kind of attention every narcissist craves.
  3. I already had fin, which is why I mentioned this had been challenged in the supreme court in the early days of brexit and found to be incorrect.

    No they haven't fin, what they have shown is your point blank refusal to accept, whilst knowing it to be true, that one of the biggest beneficiaries of Brexit, is the snp government who decry it publicly but will willingly take all the extra powers it can get that brexit will allow.

    The snp are little more than politicians who decry drugs in public then go into a private room to shoot up.
  4. I already had fin, which is why I mentioned this had been challenged in the supreme court in the early days of brexit and found to be incorrect.
    the claim of rights wasnt challenged in the supreme court.
  5. No they haven't fin, what they have shown is your point blank refusal to accept, whilst knowing it to be true, that one of the biggest beneficiaries of Brexit, is the snp government who decry it publicly but will willingly take all the extra powers it can get that brexit will allow.

    no it doesent, in the past with these powers previously legislated at the EU parliament we could use them within a European frame work, we do lots of those things differently to yourselves, we could do what we chose to do, now, we are told what to do with our pocket money. before we could choose what to do with our pocket money.
  6. This has nothing to with pocket money fin, but everything to do with hypocrisy, that word you throw a lot at others but still even your own words show it

    These are not your powers these are the eu's. Of those powers the snp have already been promised and they are a lot, they would not be yours to use as you wish had not brexit happened. Had we stayed in the eu as the snp claim to want, they would not have access or control of them as they will have after brexit.

    I have no beef with the sheer hypocrisy and publicly visible opportunism of the snp fin I don't, honestly.

    It just publicly shows what some of us have said all along, when you are throwing your barbs at the tories and we say, yep, they all do that, it shows that yes, they DO all do that, even the snp

    I admire that fin, the snp are so sneaky, they could even be French :D
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. These are not your powers these are the eu's. Of those powers the snp have already been promised and they are a lot, they would not be yours to use as you wish had not brexit happened. Had we stayed in the eu as the snp claim to want, they would not have access or control of them as they will have after brexit.

    these are not EU powers like it's some kind of foreign power not answerable to the people, we lend some sovereignty, where we exorcise our democratic right to shape common frameworks and some laws,within the EU, we are free to do what we like within those frameworks and laws at holyrood on non reserved powers and Westminster on reserved.
    what has happened is, the tory gov, has taken devolved powers and removed our ability to shape them. its a power grab that goes against the devolution act. that goes against this thing you call democracy, which has brought the need for a debate on the claim of rights. the implication being, it will not stop brexit, but it might fire a shot across the bow of a tory gov, the same way airbus and the car manufacturing business are currently doing.
    ie, no section 30 required, a mandate has been won, a triple lock mandate. they will not take that to court.
  8. Fin I can see your drowning so will offer a basic opportunity for you

    Who has those powers at the moment
    A The eu
    B The U.K. or
    C The Scottish devolved Government

    After brexit, the U.K. will get all of those powers back now who will have those powers after Brexit?
    A The e.u.
    B The U.K. as the giver will take them back
    C The Scottish devolved government will see more powers passed over to them by the U.K. government that could have only happened because of brexit?

    Easy peasy lemon squeezy fin
  9. currently, devolved powers with common EU frameworks are excercised at hollyrood as are non devolved powers with westminster. these powers where negotiated and debated by us in the UK and Scotland. we do things differently.
    after brexit, westminster will take controle without seeking the permission of the devolved govs to implement devolved areas of legislation. its a power grab, the powers they are grabbing are the biggies.
    save yer pish, for the mongs that dont know their shit. :upyeah:
  10. Fin we both know most of the powers that were given to the eu, were given by the U.K. government and long before the devolved governments were even created.

    Now when we leave the powers will be returned to the issuing government, the government of the U.K. and NOT the devolved government of Scotland. The clue here is the eu 28 does not have Scotland at the 28 table.

    Once the powers are returned to the U.K. Government after BREXIT, there are certain powers that the U.K. will pass down to the devolved governments of which Scotland will be the biggest benefactor.

    Ergo, despite going on about it not being what they want, they will be one of the biggest benefactors of BREXIT

    You continue to try and hide the honesty of the situation and I get that I do, you've needed an enemy to promote your fake gods when in truth there is no new god, nor is there any power grab than the one the snp are attempting.

    I get it I do, like an authur daily of politics, the snp see an opportunity, aim high in the hope of achieving in the middle and then try and tell every one they are the victims, it's worked for them so far.

    With all the divert pages you continue to hide the reality of the situation still remains this one statement

    Despite the anti brexit mantra, the snp government will benefit greatly through brexit, they will not refuse those benefits and all the time say they are the victims of being given more powers.

    You cannot change that reality fin, no matter how many pages of jibber jabber you put up because the snp are just as opportunist because, they all do that

    And that is why you couldn't answer the two previous questions
    #13731 noobie, Jul 6, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  11. Noobe
    Your information on Mclaren is 100% wrong. Should I use this as a basis from which to view your other coments?
    #13732 Jez900ie, Jul 6, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  12. If you want, but I say quite often, I'm happy to be corrected.

    Could you provide the correct details?
    #13733 noobie, Jul 6, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  13. I bet you are. o_O

    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. MUMMMMMMM !!!! she told me they were for a catalougue
  15. Simply that Ron Denis is not a director, owner, minority shareholder or consultant in any of the Mclaren group of companies, interests or subsidiaries. It is widely said that Ron is more likely to simultaneously become Director General of the UN, President of Russia & America whilst holding his breath for six weeks than to be asked for an opinion regarding his views by any of the Macca principal share holders.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. If thats you in the picture - you scrub up better than I would have guessed.

  17. That was before I discovered doughnuts
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Sounds like May's steak of 'Remain' is still there. Also sounds like the right wing racists in her party are going apocalyptic that they are not going to get their way. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Well I'm glad you're there duke, any chance of a you tube feed?
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