British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Totally agree what our politicians seem to ignore they are elected to serve the general population they have been given a mandate to get us out of the EU there personal feelings are of secondary importance
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  2. Try New Zealand. Or Australia. Or USA. Or Canada. Or anywhere outside EU. You have to be chosen, not choose them.
  3. Well maybe we will soon see?

    Re your clip showing Cameron - don't you find it implausible to quote him on points, when you know he regularly lied on others? The man who said his government would balance the books by 2015 is suddenly considered a fountain of truth?
  4. Problem is none tell the truth. Self interest is the driving force, not a better Britain.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. O
    One of the main requirements to be a MP is to be able to lie through there teeth while keeping a straight face most are self serving 2 faced shits Tony Blair was a master of this. This country has had some great statesman they must be turning in there graves
  6. That was to prove that we were consistently told by all the main players, prior to the vote that a vote to leave was a vote to leave the single market. Find me anybody saying if we voted to leave that we would stay in the single market and customs union. Anybody!

    The weasel Lord Adonis was on Sky news this morning saying that Cameron said we’d stay in the single market if we voted to leave. A blatant lie by the serial liar and Peter Bone who was standing next to him couldn’t believe the brass neck of this odious creep
    #13886 Robarano, Jul 9, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. [QUOTE="Lightning_650,
    Real businessmen see opportunity when circumstances change-but no one expects positivity from those who enjoy cosy contracts with governments,or who do not have the imagination to modify their policies to suit the new situation.
    This country WAS ONCE the industrial powerhouse of the world,but has declined WHILE WE WERE MEMBERS OF THE EU! Coincidental? NOT!
    OMG what are you on about?
    UK started to decline after the:
    -American independence war
    -Liberation wars in colonies (other than US)
    -Second world war
    Just to name few.
    Long before the EU even existed...guess losing control over 70% of the raw material and cheap labour did not help.
    Compare 1850 with 1950 and you'll see things started to go downhill long before EU even existed...and if not enough got even worse by 70's IMO.
    I see the main problem was the lack of proper investment in technology by both privates and government to keep up with German industry.
    Amazingly it happens even now...i.e. Hinkley Power Station it drives me nuts to see such an important strategic facility being run by French and Chinese. H2s train again, Thames Water, and so on.
    Yet we blame the do notice that our own ministers cannot agree on a common position.
    How many version of Brexit plans we had since the referendum? This certainly makes us look a very strong united nation :(:(
    All this happening when it seems the big powers "ego" has woken up we need very strong leadership and united government.
    If you notice compared to 10 years ago there seems to be a clear shift of power towards China, this is what Trump tries to stop. Russia again getting more and more present on international level.
    To sum it up..Brexit has been voted for, clear as it can be. Hard or soft version or whatever the gov./ Parliament agrees on should be done ASAP, this lack of progress is the worst thing for investors and enyone within the industry.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Germany have achieved what 2 world wars failed to accomplish namely control of Europe
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. OMG what are you on about?
    UK started to decline after the:
    -American independence war
    -Liberation wars in colonies (other than US)
    -Second world war
    Just to name few.
    Long before the EU even existed...guess losing control over 70% of the raw material and cheap labour did not help.
    Compare 1850 with 1950 and you'll see things started to go downhill long before EU even existed...and if not enough got even worse by 70's IMO.
    I see the main problem was the lack of proper investment in technology by both privates and government to keep up with German industry.
    Amazingly it happens even now...i.e. Hinkley Power Station it drives me nuts to see such an important strategic facility being run by French and Chinese. H2s train again, Thames Water, and so on.
    Yet we blame the do notice that our own ministers cannot agree on a common position.
    How many version of Brexit plans we had since the referendum? This certainly makes us look a very strong united nation :(:(
    All this happening when it seems the big powers "ego" has woken up we need very strong leadership and united government.
    If you notice compared to 10 years ago there seems to be a clear shift of power towards China, this is what Trump tries to stop. Russia again getting more and more present on international level.
    To sum it up..Brexit has been voted for, clear as it can be. Hard or soft version or whatever the gov./ Parliament agrees on should be done ASAP, this lack of progress is the worst thing for investors and enyone within the industry.[/QUOTE]

    Lightning and all the other Brexitards live in this little bubble, thinking its over a century ago when Britain allegedly ruled the waves.

    One deluded Tory MP calling for Rees-Mogg to be leader of the Party as 'he is our new Churchill' completely sums it all up. Living in the past, a past which actually was not at all 'glorious' unless you have a big inheritance to go with your country mansion.

    If you don't move with the times, you sink. Britain has a long history of attempting to live in the past whilst others move on to better times.
  10. Great, so you agree that leaving the sclerotic and shrinking importance and influence of the EU is the way to go. :upyeah:

    I knew you'd see sense Dukey. :)

    Oh, and you protesteth too much about JRM. Scared?
    #13890 Robarano, Jul 9, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2018
  11. Some voters you mean, it doesn't seem to bother Labour that despite all the tory mess, Corbyn can't get in and isn't trusted
  12. For democracy to work you have to at least implement the first democratic vote, the eu has many examples of crushing that people majority vote before it is even implemented

    Some might call that undemocratic
  13. As usual duke I salute your pile of shite. How is wishing to leave a gated community of 28 to operate under the same system the rest of the world operates under, and even the eu too, a step backward?

    You need a reality check, the U.K. is seeking to move forward and have freedoms the rest of the world has, it is the eu that is a backward looking, protectionist, afraid of change and will do anything it can to remove democracy from it's own people
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  15. Yes some voters you are quite right. Corbyn being the leader of the Labour party bothers quite a few I think!

    Still, what would happen if there were an election is too close to call imo.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  16. Watched that all the way through.
    Pure bull shit and waffle from him.
    Pleased he has gone.
  17. C'mon Boris, do the right thing, throw your resignation in and bring the witch down. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  18. How is explaining his position to resign bullshit and waffle? he explained when asked about others, that the interviewer should ask them which is correct.

    It's been made quite clear that when May said brexit is brexit and she had red lines, that at first they went pink and now we are asking the eu what colour they would like them. That is not brexit and that is not what the democratic vote asked for.
  19. What a complete mess!
    Before going in to negotiate a major project, I don't give away a whole stack of concessions before the serious negotiation starts. If my MD went behind my back and offered concessions and financial improvements without even referring to me, I'd resign!
    So May and Robins are heading towards a form of Brexit that will take away many of the potential benefits of being outside of the EU. Powerful lobbyists seem to have won and the complete ineptitude of May's tactics from calling and the running of the disastrous election, to how she has undermined the official Brexit negotiation team seems to bring us to today's crazy situation. I hope the 1922 committee takes action as I think confidence in May has gone. How strange that the EU seem to be supporting her, tells a story doesn't it?
    Boris seems to have gone missing....his credibility is shot but maybe Gove has regained enough support in the party.
    Time will be the judge but I feel the EU (unsurprisingly) have acted in really bad faith since the Brexit vote. It should not have been this difficult and could have worked to the benefit of both the UK and the EU if a different approach had been implemented. Thank you Mr Junker for being the architect of this mess.

    ITV’s Paul Brand claims there has been another Boris Johnson no-show.
    I’m told he was also due at COBRA meeting - again, hasn’t turned up. #wheresboris

    Laura Kuenssberg - Boris Johnson was due at Western Balkans summit by now - he hasn't turned up yet
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Boris is another that needs to go, dangerous buffoon. By all means get another pro Brexit. But we don't need his sort.
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