British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. This is an convenient position for you but one that still belies that comments on Labour as an opposition are also some you seem unwilling to do, so you will forgive me if the above by yourself, is little more than kidding yourself. Never mind, I suspect little else.
  2. Just think that you lot derided my very early views that Brexit would never happen or if it did, it wouldn't resemble what it was supposed to be or worth all the bloody time it has taken to end up with this mess.

    I am beginning to feel rather vindicated with what is going on.

  3. I was wrong. I had thought (hoped) that May had the professionalism to deliver what was democratically voted for: the exit of EU.

    Obfuscation of her purpose is finally removed with this paper and the installation of an avid remainer as Brexit secretary.
  4. Oh well you will have to wait and see about my take on an inefficient Labour party. They have yet to win.

    Now of course you could agree that the present government are at best behind schedule or at worst largely incompetant on the Economy/ Housing/ NHS / Unversal credit / Transport / Government Contracting/ Justice, Law & Order & Prisons. Or a little bit of both. I wonder if you will?
    PS I have Brexit off this list but you can include this sucess/ failiure if you like?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  5. Happy to say they are shit under May but would also follow that in saying it would be ten times more shit if Corbyn/momentum/unite/marxism ever sat in the big chair

    I'll leave that to you if I may given your one sidedness is at least consistent, I would offer a warning though.

    The copy and pasting of continual bashing of JUST the tories at westminster is fins role and he may take umbrage some usurper is taking advantage of his short term absence to steal his crown.

    It is a red moon at the moment and there is no telling where he could be or what the moss muncher may do upon such competition
  6. Excuse me? What planet do you come from? or are you ten years old?
    Do you not remember a time when the factories in this country were churning out,for example,"the biggest selling motorcycle in the world"?,among many other British motorcycle manufacturers?
    Or that Britain controlled 90% of the worlds richest fishing grounds?
    That people in this country could not buy cars for love nor money,because everything was going for export?.(To pay the vast sums GB borrowed to fight two world wars on behalf of Europe,debts which have only just recently been repaid but have never been settled by the European countries who were saved thanks to the willingness of British governments to fight on someone elses behalf?)
    A time when work was so plentiful that employers would literally beg you to work for them,to train you,anything to get you into their factories?
    OMG? FFS man if you were not alive then read some history'll then learn that economic decline,(apart from reasons already stated),apart fro EC membership,also really started when people like YOU started to denigrate the efforts,the workforce,and the aspirations of the majority that do the real productive work in this country.
    I'm fortunate that I don't need to study too much becuase I have lived through the decline and seen it first hand.Experience is still the best lesson,no matter what modern educationalists like to say.
    There are plenty of things you could say that perhaps assisted in the decline,but please,try sticking to the facts,instead of some personal fantasy that you have dreamed up.
    The only reason we are in this mess of Brexit is because Governments have listened to the talk-downers and vile-media shit spouters,who,instead of accepting the democratic vote to leave,(consequences of which were clearly explained by politicians on both sides of the argument),have allowed the poiltical scum to do what they want instead of carrying out the wishes of the majority of voters in a democratically held Referendum.
    The lack of progress can be sorted in a day,and if asked I could ride to Brussels and tell Barnier whats what in seconds.WTO rules exist for a reason,they are not a poor backstop and many successful countries trade very well under them
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  7. You conveniently leave out that British and American bombers pulverised the factories of Germany and Japan,then the Yanks gave both cheap loans to buy the latest technology and modern design while asking GB to pay for the material used to save Europe from the Axis,(as already mentioned).
    Giving both germany and Japan the opportunity to outperform Britain with its bombed out factories,worn out machinery and no money to invest in development.
  8. Well you could be a clairvoyant, or maybe you have a crystal ball - so I will leave that to you. Meanwhile I'll admit I'm biased towards evidence based performance ratings.

    I won't speak for Finm, its not my place. You will have to ask him yourself if he minds the truth being commented upon by me. I doubt it though, he seems like a good bloke.

    Red moon eh? Hmm...
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  9. past, living in. Some of you.
  10. I hear that Johnson, Gove, Rees-Moog and Davis are set to leave the Tory party and set up a new political party called:

    Noted (as)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Failure of UK industry was/is a by product of lack of investment. Not a fault of EU membership.
    Maybe the halcyon days some refer to would be British Leland? Oil leaking Triumph motorcycles, very pretty but not competitive. Brought down by Japanese manufacturers, not European manufacturers.
    Suppose you need someone to blame though. Couldn't be anything to do with bad management in the UK.
  12. The Bonnie appeared in 1959 though it did gain 100cc update sometime in the mid 70's! The management simply milked Triumph until it died, ably helped by a two year (?) strike at Meriden.

    Its funny that everyone thinks they are such pretty bikes now. In 1977 I thought they looked shite compared to my Suzuki 250 which was faster & more reliable. It took me until '97 to realise that I was wrong and I bought one in California.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  13. 164 pages and I’d wager neither ‘side’ posting had even changed the point one jot.

  14. Because its impossible to have ones cake and eat it. ;)
  15. Will you be it's prime minister duke?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Says the man who wants to stay within a gated community we have been part of for 45 years :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Crap Crap x 1
  17. Or we modernised and have moved away from the largely hands on business's moving more into tech, pharma and finances possibly? I would like to point out also, compare the 70's to now and you would have to lie a lot to say the U.K. has not self invested

    I thought we were talking about Brexit not Corbyns manifesto?

    I would agree as a brexiteer we had two fears, one we would lose the democratic vote (we didn't but democratic votes have been shown to mean jack now and two, that the eu loving whitehall manadarins, the assasins they are, as well as remainers in the government would find a way to kill it.

    I find it telling that May will not stand upto europe in a way she will to her ministers and overturn the majority of her party voters. Still this is all working on the eu will agree what has been said and given she is trying to sell us out by offering the eu the softest brexit, if they try and change a single thing, may is out on a limb
  18. Your funny and have selective reading :)

    Gated community, that IS what Brexiters want. You have things back to front.
  19. Nope, the eu offers a gated community to the 28, one of the largest protectionist zones on the planet. The UK wants to break free from that and look beyond the protectionist empire it has become.
    #13939 noobie, Jul 9, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
  20. First please clam down we are exchanging opinions here, really no need to twist my words or go personal. I never wrote anything like this "when people like YOU started to denigrate the efforts, the workforce, and the aspirations of the majority that do the real productive work in this country". Also, if you read my earlier posts you'll see that I do not blame at any point the workers. I do blame the gov. decision back in the 70's. I strongly believe the Marshall plan had nothing to do with our manufacturing decline. If you believe US, EU, Japan and me?? is to blame for the decline over the last century you are more than welcome to do so.
    I voted Remain, however the majority voted Leave, rant is towards this gov that fails to deliver ASAP. This uncertainty is the worst that can happen.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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