Ive Been Caught Speeding...excuses!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. I thought we need a one shop spot for all excuses and get out of jail free mitigations..so fire away!

    The bastids crept up on me....and i dont have any mirrors..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Or even more helpful would be to offer some assistance and tell us what gets past your steely heart and plucks your strings after stopping a raggermuffin when going way too fast (but not necessarily in a dangerous situation) I know you would let me off anyhoo as we are bezzies, but the run of the mill kinda dude on here I mean :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  3. You and Wayne....! its usually me that gets done....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Perhaps we could start a money pot for a donation to "the police mans ball"?
  5. How fast?
  6. Do the Black Rat badges still work? They did before Performance Bikes printed some many years ago :thinkingface:
  7. Shhhh, it never happened... :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. I think that's very honest of you to own up/start the ball rolling Andy. No excuses, no mitigating circumstances existed or offered in defence, bang to rights every time for me.
    #8 Chris, Jul 10, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Damn. Thought this was a ‘how to’ guide :confused:
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  10. Couple of long shots.....these are from my mate who works in law enforcement (not a copper - he's a bit above that....)

    Was he on a speed gun...? if he was you can ask for the cert to confirm its been calibrated...if thet cant produce it then they cant confirm the speed is correct (he did this and got away with it...as they couldnt produce it) he also said that the copper was leaning against the car when he got clocked - apparently a grounding issue - he said this in court and the cop couldnt confirm if he was or wasnt...also went my mates way...

    Stalling tactic: by law correspondence has to happen within 6 months....so on the last week of each 6 month he would make a pointless request..." can i have a photo? can i see calibration documents?" etc etc - after the 4th request they got pissed off with him and dropped it....

    Clutching at straws but you might have a chance....
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  11. Sorry officer i have diarrhoea and need to get home fast;)
  12. Poor Ob's
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  13. I once got a ticket for 75mph on the sidcup bypass on a vespa rally 200. I was proud as fuck.
    • Funny Funny x 7
  14. Got me the same way 14 years ago. Took me to court, my solicitor advised me that there are no valid argument for speeding. Had to be apologetic and respectful.

    It was a high enough speed to get me a short ban, managed to walk away with 6 points and a £300 fine. More than OK with me.

    Sorry I cant offer anything better.
  15. I thought nip's had to reach you within 14 days with the exception of where they have trouble finding you?
  16. i got warned and told to slow down in a Fiat Panda once.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  17. My first speeding ticket was in 1968 2 up on a Honda C50 42mph in a 30 limit I was stopped by a copper on a BSA.A10 like something from Heartbeat
    Still have the ticket and the page out of my license showing the endorsement
    There framed and hanging in my office
    Haven't bothered keeping any of the others
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  18. "I'm so sorry Officer, I am in desperate need of a shithouse...."
    Officer *licking pencil* "Well, looks like you found one son".
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Perhaps you could use the Alex Ferguson excuse for driving on the hard shoulder you have irritable bowel and needed a piss
  20. He must have been a quick runner. :astonished: Was it PC Usain Bolt? :thinkingface:
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