Ive Been Caught Speeding...excuses!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. We used to be on a military pager in case the world needed saving. Standard ops were to get the duty Booty in the HQ to page you if you were pulled over for speeding and the traffic cop would generally give you a blue light fast return to Camp haha
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  2. By the girl you were nailing in the back seat? :neutral:
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  3. My employer gave me a letter saying I'd lose my job when I got caught on M23 at 105mph on my T595. Got 6 points and £400 fine.

    In Franco, we got done at 136mph on a 90kph. We got instant 750E fine each (marched to cash points) and an instant 6mnth ban. We had to get someone over to pick up bikes and us up from Troyes. Fortunately we were on our way back from Alps anyway. Careful through Bar Sur Aube people. TBF the Gendarmes were polite, respectful and nice despite it. Even complimented our pelaton. 5 mins earlier and we may have ended up in the Bastille as we were even more spirited. Never saw the guy with the speed trap. We were yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir. Hold hands up and admit guilt. They were very gracious about it and even allowed us to use a Gendarmes garage to store bikes until our ride arrived. We tip toe through that area now. TBF, it was a bit of a one off as we're never usually that dumb. I blame my old 1198.
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  4. Naughty andyb :)
  5. Got caught doing 50 in a 30 at 3am in the morning, I think I woke up plod having a snooze in a little country village. He seemed perplexed I was quite laid back about the ticket but he became quite angry when I said by the law of averages I think I've gotten the better deal. He then spent 45 minutes going over the bike with the finest tooth comb he could find :eyes:
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  6. "..I'm a freemason.."
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  7. Crying doesn’t work
    A short skirt doesn’t either
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  8. Short skirt didn’t work for me either, I needed knee length to be legal :bucktooth:
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  9. hope it was fitted with the right belt
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  10. If i were to ever witness plod addressing the knob heads who drive around our towns in their boy racer vehicles at ridiculous speeds, smoking weed and not displaying front number plates I would not feel as angry with them hiding in bushes awaiting bikers in national speed limit zones.
    Get the speed guns in the built up 30mph zones. Use the stealth tactics to snare the drug drivers. Last Saturday whilst out riding with friends, I truly could not believe the number of vehicles on the roads passing by reeking of weed.
    Maybe the Police are hoping the motorcyclists will be thinned out by the drivers under the influence?
    Shameful really.
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  11. "Fuck you pig.Youll never catch me alive!"Works for me every time.;)
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  12. My defence lawyer said I was "simply enjoying the joy motorcycling brings ". I got banned. And the fucker still wanted paying.
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  13. Tell cop your on way to a car park for some dogging fun with his milf wife.
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  14. Same here, 106mph on the A50 Uttoxeter, day in court got me 6 points and £575 fine, it was a long time ago! Took me years to pay the fine off :)
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  15. thats the first place i ever got done for speeding, on my 250 superdream. Coming back from Brands Transatlantic races. Copper said he was doing me as he had his lights on for 1 mile following me, so i must improve my observation. Great advice and never been followed since.
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  16. Ahhhh, how cute, a young Andyb right at the start of his career :blush:
  17. 1979 or1980 i reckon. Yes i am a motorcycle tutor too now.
  18. honestly.. i am a really good rider.. if i say so myself..
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  19. Throughput my jumping career met a fair few military types including the most down to earth Victoria cross recipient and I’ve jumped with a few paras, was honoured to be invited to Hereford for the inter army boxing event where I got to see some of the covert vehicles at their disposal including fully specked AMG 63 Mercs! :)
  20. I got stopped for doing 135mph on the A24 south of Horsham...I was so shocked that when the policeman told me “ You are going to lose your licence, sonny”, I felt physically sick and had to crouch down to avoid fainting....he let me off.
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