At what age?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pixie1276, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Do any of you take your nippers pillion? Or did you ride pillion as a nipper and if so at what age? What are your thoughts on taking youngens on the back?
  2. Mine r still to young. But as soon as they can reach the pegs and hold on then there's no going back. That's how I fell in love wiv bikes..biking life starts when a biker introduces you to the life.
  3. Hmmmm...... I really struggle with this one. It's one thing me taking my own life in my hands. I have no problem with that, know what the risks are blah blah...but sticking my kids on the back too? I just haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. The thought of would COULD go wrong totally puts me off. I must admit, I don't encourage anyone to ride a bike. I feel like it's a personal responsibility thing and if someone REALLY wants to do it, they will. But I don't want anyone doing it because I suggested it. If it all went wrong (as lets face it, it not infrequently does) I don't want that on my conscience.

    F*ck, I sound like a real downer!! :-(
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  4. Eldest was 10 (now 14), and contemplating youngest having a go this spring (still 9).

    but, as a responsible adult, you need to judge how you believe they will cope, hold on, etc. a few rides around the block or local car park to be sure of their confidence and your confidence in them should help.

    just my personal opinion, etc.

  5. This is exactly how Butch feels he said its to much responsibility for me and he said whilst I'm confident enough to take him if anything happened I would never forgive myself and you wouldn't either.......maybe best to wait until he's old enough to get his own eek!
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  6. Got it just about right, life is for living, to much cotton wool nowadays.
  7. Narrrrh.thats what all dads think of. My first time was wiv my next door neighbour on a XS650. My dad was smiling and I was happy..several years later my dad took me for my first proper ride in my local school...after me trying to ride up a vertical bank and shitting myself and dad saying give it some wellies son I thought, shit..this is good. 3 days later in pontypool riding up a mountain with my dad on the back I knew that I wanted to ride a bike.
  8. I have taken pillions many times, but I dislike it, and even now I absolutely hate being a pillion. If I were to have been on the back of a bike as a kid I doubt i'd have ever wanted to ride one myself.
  9. I struggle with pillions and the extra weight but I took my son when he was about 14 and my daughter at 17. Their Dad has taken them both since about age 9 or 10. We had a break when the children were small and sucked all the money we had so before that age there wasn't the opportunity.
    With them as pillions I ride very cautiously but wasn't overly worried. However, our son has ridden two wheels since 16 (moped), and now has a full licence, now I worry. Every bone in my body was telling me to not let him have a bike but whilst I'm sitting here with three in the garage it's a hollow arguement. He's had a couple of spills, and god willing, that will be all. My
    parents were not into bikes so never pillioned as a child but I wanted a bike since I was at primary school.
  10. As a lad I'd been on the back of tiger cubs, bantams and even a bloody C90, but my enduring memory is of one when I was 13. My boss, a garage owner, had one of those new fangled Honda 750's and I badgered the bejeesus out of him to take me up the road on it. He duly obliged, by accelerating at such a rate of knots I thought (no was sure) I was going to be thrown off the back.

    I shit my pants - whimpered something like "I'm never going to ride a fucking bike" etc etc

    Where did it all go wrong eh!

    Cheers Mike
  11. Took my eldest on the back of a bike when he was around 7 or 8, about 12 yrs ago but since then I've only had single-seat bikes...
  12. Personally I would not want to take my kids out for a big ride ie. a long ride or a fast ride but would take them around the village.
    The wife says no though so that's that sorted ! :eek:
  13. First time on a powered two-wheeler was standing on the footboards of my brother's scooter - he's 11 years older than me, so I suppose I'd have been about 8. No helmet, jacket or anything, but then we only went round the village. Seemed exciting at the time (late 60s).
  14. My youngest lad has ridden pillion from when he was tall enough to comfortably reach the rear pegs and hold on.... Probably 9 ish. He has always been relaxed and a happy on the back but now he is 15 and over 6ft I notice him there more.

    The eldest lad now rides his own Ducati but never wanted to ride pillion, allot depends on the confidence of the kids and the risk assessment by the parent, we all see risk slightly differently.
  15. Here's my risk assessment ............NO!!!!!!!!!
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  16. The metalwork teacher at school restored a big old Triumph, and I pestered him to take me on the back, which he duly did. My very first pillion ride on a bike involved him outrunning a cop car and us ducking down behind some bushes cos he wasn't road legal...

    I've taken loads of pillions, and while it's slighly more of a worry than riding solo, you tend to ride more safely. Ain't no big thing. I used to take loads of local kids out on my old Beamish outfit - now that was the most dangerous and unstable bike I've ever owned - one of the kids recognised me the other month; thank god he did, cos he'd just pulled me for speeding...
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  17. Agree with figaro, with someone on the pillion I always take it easier, nothing worse than a nervous and stiff passenger trying to hold the bike upright. As for youngsters if they are willing and able to touch the pegs and you are confident I see no problem. Let them have the experience and choose for themselves until then you never know.
  18. I must admit you don't see that many tiddlers riding pillion over here, i have seen more on the continent.

    Also over there these are quite popular


    Googled this so they are out there.

    My eldest when on the back of mine when she was 9, my youngest wants to go on now.

  19. Ultimately its up to you. When do YOU think someone is old enough. If you ask yourself and there is a moments pause in your mind, then they are too young.

    But you have to respect your partners wishes or the parents of the children. Personally, I think above the age of 2/3 maybe but it depends who is the rider, and where you intend on going. Nothing wrong with a young`un holding on just to go up, round and back a few feet or down the road. Or sat between you and the bars/tank. As for out on the open road for a ride....Id say prob into double figures. Like with all of us its the car that hits you thats the real risk not us. Sometimes!
  20. I'd want the pillion to be wearing leathers, which for a growing kid can be an expensive endeavour, especially if its a teenager during a growth spurt.
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