British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I think it would help if Trump understood that in Europe we are not the keen on American cars or motorbikes. They don't make many desirable electronic goods bar apple products, which are made in china. Whereas in the USA, European goods are considered to be high quality. So that leaves natural produce like shale gas and cranberries etc.
  2. I didn't read all of that because I'm sure it's drivel - because of who wrote it. But I'm going to comment on it anyway because that's the kind of non-hypocritical free-thinking guy I am.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  3. Currently, 2 of the top 3 selling cars in the UK are American. :rolleyes:

  4. I'm sorry did you say something, it looked like drivel?
    1 I was trying to explain it at your level
    2 easy, if it wasn't so successful, we would have them by the nuts, we don't, the U.S. has most of the world by the nuts
  5. I see May is now saying its either my way or Brexit will not happen at all.
  6. That's only if she stays in power. She forgot to mention that her way is Brexit not happening at all and because of that the chances of her remaining PM past the autumn are very small indeed.
  7. I saw that quote on the front of one of the early editions last night and thought she was desperate, writing cheques she couldn't cash now.

    For her to say that Brexit won't happen is tantamount to her signing her own death warrant. Proof that she's now completely lost the plot given the Conservative Party voting demographic.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Yep. Like most remainer Tories, she's obsessing about the Parliamentary arithmetic, forgetting that you have to get elected to Parliament in the first place for that to matter. Grass-roots Conservative voters won't support her. And she only managed to cling on to power after the last election because Labour Brexit supporters held their noses and voted for her, because Brexit was more important to them than party. If she's betrays them on delivery there's no way on earth a single one of them will come to her rescue again. Why would they? But a proper Brexit-supporting Tory PM who intends to get the job done, they well might, because Labour's Brexit plan (insofar as there is one) is largely indistinguishable from May's and in many areas a lot worse.
  9. What happens if no one vows, ie less than 10% of the population? Is there a constitutional point regarding minimum votes needed to make an outcome valid?
  10. According to Remoanians, it has to be >52% of the electoral turnout and >17,200,000 people voting for something, or it doesn't count.
  11. I thought, having launched the article 50, the only way it can be stopped is if the government put a bill to the house to withdraw the article 50 notice? That would require a vote by the house and the lords to ratify it.

    This would be suicide not for just the tories but for parliament and democracy as in effect the government would be point blank refusing to abide by a democratic majority vote unless it is one they personally like.

    This would turn upside down the countries historic process of democracy by majority vote mandates. Every single vote in the house on bills would also be null and void, even national mp and local councillor votes could be overturned at any time if we do not like them where as before the certainty of the majority democratic vote

    Certainly this is the eu way, ignore the people and just let them keep paying the bills but as to democracy, do not let them anywhere near a ballot box.

    Mays claiming she can stop it is part of the remaining project fear and it highlights it is still continuing and a point for remainers, whatever standing we had before in the eu, if we backed out now, we would always be known by the commission as a country that could be bullied into it's people being told what to do and democracy will never save them
  12. Not seen anything front may. But was she saying ‘Brexit is off’ or ‘there will be no Brexit deal’. Entirely different things.

    I’d hope the second: a statement to get party and govt: this is THE deal. And to EU: this is THE deal.

    Or wto and be damned!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. In that case our membership of the European Project has always been invalid.
    The voter turn-out in the 1975 referendum to join the common Market was 64.6%. The turnout in 2016 for the Brexit referendum was 72.2%.

    Therefore if the Brexit referendum was invalid because of voter numbers (despite being the largest turnout for any political vote in modern history) then so was the referendum that took us in. We don't need to leave because by Remainer logic our membership is void and the EU owes us billions in refunds.
  14. Serious point. If the U.K. don’t like how our politicians now behave, a mass no-vote took place, what would happen?
  15. A very good question. Its an experiment that might be worth trying.

    Though I'd rather have a 100 seat landslide for a Jacob Rees-Mogg government with Nigel Farage as Brexit Minister.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. I like the cut of your jib, Jim :)
  17. Nothing wrong with having big dreams.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  18. C'mon JRM. Pull the trigger. :) Let's ditch the witch. :mad:

    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. If you wanted an almost full turnout as well as keeping who we have on their toes, then purely for mischief and as we haven't tried it yet, I'd like a "Non of the above " option on ballot papers. It might focus quite a few minds
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