Which Electric Guitar?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by efcbluepete, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. Fortunately he has been given an amp off a relative who had a decent sized Vox in their loft doing nothing. I reckon he can wait on the effect pedals while he gets beyond his current fairly newbie place, maybe an idea for Christmas presents.
  2. The boss ME range will suit him fine, no need for loads of pedals, just one of these. The Boss ME25 is a good unit and comes in at under 100 quid on the bay of fleas.
    #22 Wayne58, Jul 11, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2018
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  3. If he does decide he fancies a Tele, I’m going to be moving mine on soon, it’s a ‘95 or ‘96 Mexican in Sunburst with a maple neck, im not sure what neck is on it as it was an eBay purchase but feels different to the ones on my Stratocasters and just can’t gel with it as well as one.
  4. I would go for an Epiphone 339 pro. The model with coil tapping. I have one and it is great.
    #24 SlowHand, Jul 11, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2018
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  5. thanks - sounds like it ticks a lot of boxes, but he is dead set on having a solid bodied, full electric.

    - I can certainly ask him and get him to try out some teles, but I am guessing (a) it is out of his price range (£350), and (b) it is unlikely to be a lefty.

  6. That Hendrix lad used to play a RH guitar strung upside down... :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. He died though. You don't want the kid to die do you?
  8. Tele's are great; Strats can get an improver's strum messed up as some people hit the center coils with a pick.

    As well as the 339, I have a Fender Elite Tele and it is the dogs dodah's but well out of budget.

    My advice for what not to get is a Gibson - especially a LP one. Great guitars, I had one and sold it. They do one thing really well and great to have as a second, third.......etc guitar but very limited and very heavy. I will buy another at some point.

    Model aside, I would be looking for an Epiphone for that kind of money.
  9. Not all Les Paul guitars are heavy. Chambered LP studio guitars are fantastic value for money, and the boy then gets the legendary Gibson sign written on the head stock. I still maintain that guitars should be bought on the way they play and feel, but he's young so a LP is cool. :cool::upyeah:
  10. I prefer the studio LP's. Gibson, for me, is the most iconic American guitar brand. They are great guitars but, in my humble, best when they form part of a collection.

    My Fender
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  11. My Tele, and one of my LP's. I have no preference out the 2 as they are so completely different. If a gun was to my head, I'd probably have the Gibbo, but this particular LP has coil tapping push pull pots, but I get what your saying Slowhand.

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  12. Very nice!!

    The LP looks like the first Gibson I owned, I also had a Gibson 339 - both now sold. I brought the Gibson 339 after owning the Epiphone 339. The Gibson looked fantastic, the Epiphone plays better - so I kept the Epiphone.

    I prefer the ebony fretboard's too.
  13. My personal favorite from my "getting out of control collection" :worried: is the Ibanez JS2450.....What a fantastic guitar for everything from shredding, to blues to country, it does the lot and plays better than anything I've ever owned, will never sell it. :upyeah:

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  14. Gibson flying V. Love how this one sounds

  15. Flying V and that hanger mate..... Class !!
  16. Black SG on the wall next to it, prefer the V though :)
  17. It would definately be in budget but forgot about him being a lefty to be honest!,sorry.
    Oddly I write left handed but play the guitar right handed.

    I’ve never really experienced the middle pickup affecting strumming on a Strat, also I should mention I do rarely use the middle pickup, occasionally I use position 2 but never really the middle on its own.

    Can’t wait to find a Tele I love to play as much as my Strat!, love the Tele sound, although am considering getting a Plus.
    I will get an LP at some point too as I think they’re also great and really you’ve got to have all 3!, probably would go for a Studio though.
    I’ve always thought the Flying V and Explorer are really cool looking guitars, I know very little about what they’re like to actually play though.

    I doubt I will be buying any more guitars for a while though, my next thing that I really need is a decent tube amp.
    #37 ibb1, Jul 12, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2018
  18. Blackstar.........The end. :upyeah:

  19. I am finding all this rather erotic................................Matron!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. I agree, great tones........or a Laney. Anything with tubes is fine with me. I mostly run a Laney Ironheart IRT Studio
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