Which Electric Guitar?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by efcbluepete, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. Glow red - Yep!
    Laney, Plant and Bonham - yep :upyeah:
  2. I’ve heard good things about Blackstars, don’t know that much about them though, the main ones I was considering were a VOX AC30 or a Marshall DSL15.
  3. Blackstar with an "R" in the name (Reverb knob) is very good. The Vox is good too but 30watts! for home use?? I run my amp on the 1 watt input, to get the tubes hot, and it is loud for home use.
  4. I know I know!, I think it’s mostly because it’s such a classic British sounding amp that I’ve always wanted!, I admit it is a bit excessive for home use though!.
  5. ...if you could find an old stock lil night train... :upyeah:
  6. Ive got some stuff to sell actually......
    Vox AC 15. 90’s Marshall built w f/s 1x12greenback Rev.trem.vol&gain modded by D.Cornell for a bit more punch.
    Marshall AS50R. 2x10, loads of knobs. accoustic+electric+mic channels.
    Vox wah. Vox distortion booster. Vox valvetone pedals.
    Electro Harmonix deluxe electric mistress, flanger/filter matrix. 80’s?
    E.H memory man. also 80’s?
  7. Amp wise, anything with Bogner in the description is good . Even If's it's got Line 6 written on the front of it...……….
  8. How much do you want for the AC15?.
  9. £450. Got the box and spare set of valves(chelmer). Home use only vinyl has small tear on side, glue it and it’d be invisible.
    Spring reverb and valve rect. Original reissue.
  10. after a bit of a play around with one or two, he finally went for the Epiphone LP. A relative dug out an old Vox amp from their loft, and he looks good to go (but is now looking at distortion pedals - Boss DS-1 seems the easy choice and at around £20 on ebay, no big money either).

    Thanks again for all the pointers and the interesting thread meanderings.

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  11. Telecaster is a bit of a one trick pony, Epiphone SG or a Gibson Nighthawk the way to go.
  12. Depends who's playing it
    That's purely personal choice ;)
  13. How is a Tele a one trick pony ?? I'm intrigued ??
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  14. Telecaster is a great guitar, have a listen to Greg Koch, every style from country pickin to jazz rock fusion.
  15. I’d have had that!, I ended up doing a straight swap with my Tele for a Marshall DSC15 though so am all good in the valve amp front for now :upyeah:.

    Out of interest, what are you guys opinions on these:


    They’re definately not a one trick pony :p
  16. Love tele’s, last electric was a 96 Collectors Edition. Sold it couple of years ago. Sounded great through the Vox.
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