British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Possibly more smaller parties than the usual two party ping pong every 4 years. How many people do you know who said, I can't stand my party at the moment but I'm not voting for the other side? because of that people become disillusioned with politics and apathetic to a point they do not vote.

    If there was a non of the above on the ballet paper, it might change the two party structure we have or might make them more accountable as non of the above becomes a third party
  2. Then you advocate proportional representation?
    #14042 Jez900ie, Jul 15, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2018
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  3. I'm not adverse to it.
  4. PR does come with its own inadequacies, but it would seem the best way to end the two party system which doesn't satisfy many and effectively prevents new political parties.
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  5. Would PR see a redrawing of the boundaries? Labour will always get more heritage votes, given working class and all that, so wouldn't it need to be realigned?

    TBF brexit was PR, the side that lost still refused to accept it...
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  6. There is an argument that the Toreies will have a similar hertiage group too? However, look overseas and marvel (or not) how new political parties appear and create change. Macron is a prime example of this. People might feel able to vote for a party that shares their ideals (or says it does) as opposed to voting for the party they dislike least. With hopefully less people feeling disenfranchised there would be a reduction in the confrontational attitude, and greater acceptance of compromise.
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  7. Tories will have heritage, but as they traditionally employed the unwashed, there will be far fewer.

    Anything that creates choice based on policies and action, over set in concrete voting practices, has my support :upyeah:

    LimDems were doing that until they had a sniff of power...funny old world ;)
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  8. Works incredibly well in Italy with new elections being held on average about every 18 months

    That said the current system in the UK has basically failed and something needs to be done about it
  9. Yes there are definitely some problems too. Still being stuck with May or Corbyn, never having any new parties - UKIP got 12.8% of the vote in 2015 and no representation. Green issues are totally sidelined. I would vote in favor of PR.
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  10. The trouble is, the main parties would simply suck like-minded small parties into coalition and continue their domination of the political stage, perpetuating the same adversarial two party system we have now.
    The same ideological divide will be there with political parties more interested in discrediting their opponents and their ideas than discussing them constructively or representing the wishes of the electorate. There'll be a wider scattering of parties but they'll all run to one side of the ideological divide, like kids picking a team to join on a school sports field, just as they do today.
    The feudal them and us is the poison in UK politics. If you're on one side you must blindly revile and oppose everything your opponents represent. Sharing that partisan hostility between more players won't make it go away.
  11. Listing to the news this morning looks like another EU referendum is gaining support if we were to have another vote and the re-moaners win would we then have another vote make it the best of three
    If we did now stay in the EU were would May get the extra money from she's promised the NHS
    What a cock up 2 year's of f/ing about
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  12. Of course it's bollocks it's pampering to the masses politicians wouldn't know the truth if they fell over it
    Politicians dont work for the benefit of the public they only concern is to get re-elected so they can keep on the gravy train
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  13. I like this latest call for a 2nd referendum. :laughing:

    Apparently Justine Greening and Tony Blair think the choices should be -
    • Leave the EU on the negotiated deal
    • Stay in the EU
    • Leave the EU with no deal.
    Right, let's get this straight. So 1 option to stay in and 2 options to leave, thereby splitting the leave vote in 2 and we stay because more people voted for that then the split "leave" options. :thinkingface:

    Honestly, I know they think leave voters are thick, but they must really hold them in contempt to think nobody will see through this. :rolleyes: They even worded the options to bury "stay in the EU" between the only 2 options currently on the table. There is no option to stay in the EU, you pair of duplicitous vermin, the vote was to leave.

    I wonder if they will combine the 2 leave options as one and go with the higher proportion? :mad:
    #14053 Robarano, Jul 16, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2018
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  14. Heard her interview this morning. Think they missed the killer question: leave had been decided, it’s tyen method of leave. So surely it’s a straight fight between PM plan and just leave?

    She is trying to soften by using two choices, like mayoral systems.
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  15. If we haven't got a deal come time to leave we should just leave if we haven't got a deal stop paying into the EU money pit, pretty confident the crap will soon sort itself out the EU need us more than we need them a large proportion of the EU member countries have economies no better than 3rd world countries that the UK are helping to support
  16. And therein lies the whole problem with all this. Its all about me me me me me me me me.......... The world would soon cease to function if everyone took that attitude.

    Any deal made with any country outside the EU would still be a compromise. Its not going to be biased in the UKs favour.
  17. Why not? Why do you play down this country and think everyone has the trump hand over the UK? :thinkingface: No pun intended.
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  18. And there in lies the whole problem, remain voters immediately assume (conveniently) that the UK leaving the EU means we won't do any collaborative work, research, funding and or charitable development projects with any other nations.

    Leaving the EU is not a slight against another country, it is about removing ourselves from a political project headed up by non heads of state.

    The EU is not a country or a continent, it is merely a protective trading block which rather ironically continuously says "it's all about me me me me me"

    Funny thing that
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  19. Surprisingly I would agree with you and not surprisingly not in the way you hope. The it's all about memememe, does exist in brexit , they are mostly on the remain side and the types who constantly think "I like it how it is now and I don't want anything to change, I am comfy, I hate change"

    And yet pretty much most on the other side ,the brexiteers have said have said all along, it's about the kids and grandkids

    I don't think anyone who wants brexit as it should be, is looking for it to be biased to the U.K. when talking about an agreed deal, we'd like our main points covered and a fair deal with the eu.

    Should that fail then yes through wto and fair trade deals we'd like to get the best deal for the U.K. who ever we deal with.

    To pick up on Robs point duke, not once have you promoted the U.K. you put it down with every opportunity you can get and constantly go on about retiring to France. Your hatred of the U.K. drives most of your posts within these discussions, not sure why but it's evident never the less.
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  20. You do realise we too are headed up by non heads of state. Those EU guys are civil servants of the same type of non elected civil servants that run our own country. Politicians just set policy, its the CS that runs this place. Not the politicians.

    Although I am not sure who sets policy on eu as MEP's are about as anonymous as the uk's CS are. Its no wonder the general public are confused coz I am too.

    I just wish we'd get it all sorted coz Im fed up with the whole charade. Clean break, merged break, minor break. I honestly do not care anymore and I'd bet most of us are the same. Just get it done, so we can get back to crappy celeb stories in press.
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