British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. You are living in 2018, right?

    While I generally admire some of your idealistic stances (fair pay for all, fair care for all etc) you have to be a realist: it’s in U.K. Corp interest to keep some failing overseas economies afloat so they rely on our support and we get the best deals possible in return, but in others it’s sinply not.

    It’s all in the old adage about the difference between giving a man a fish or a net and reaching to fish: if they want support they should be at least willing to hold the net and get wet. Not simply sit back with an entitlement to a few fish simply because they are in ‘the club’
  2. Don't you think Germany, France, USA to name a few worry about other countries to the detriment of there own
    The UK has ploughed.Billions into the EU, Africa Iraq Afghanistan it hasn't helped the ordinary people we should be putting the money into the UK's infrastructure,, NHS were not the world bankers
  3. Agree boots, most I feel know this could have been handled better, I think it was largely project fear remainers in the government turned into project undermine the moment they lost the vote. That is however as you say, then, how do we sort out now.

    I have a relative who used to work for a company called Peverel management. Effectively one of the U.K.'s biggest builders, McCarthy & Stone built apartment blocks for over 55's only, they then appointed a large management services company, Peverel management, to administer the day to day of the buildings normally with a residential or daily visiting "house manager"

    Now a lot of these over 55's were not brain dead, often they were singular people who had a life or organisation within them and achieving things. After a number of years, the residents began to realise they were have the piss taken on how the buildings were run, seen as a blank cheque and viewed by Peverel as doddering old folk who knew nothing so needed to shut up and let"those who know what they were doing get on with it" sound familiar?

    In the end quite a few developments rebelled and said F you management company, we are not having it, we want you out. Some facts as I know some like those :D

    So what am I babbling on about? I'm not entirely sure how many know the structure of the eu it is, in it's shortest form, The member 28 states/countries are those elected who make the final decisions, the eu comission are a management company for the eu, BUT, one of the few management companies the Shareholders, you and I, cannot vote out, remove or change for another management company.

    More so over the recent two decades, the power dynamic has changed from a management company that oversees and manages the eu for the 28, into now controlling the 28 and telling it's customers what to do.

    For many I suspect, certainly for me, the idea we have a body telling us what to do with no accountability and forgetting the 28 employ them and not the other way around, was a good basis of my leave vote.

    As to moving forward, Mays deal shows she think she has pushed it as far as she can go in the soft brexit direction. No one doubts the arrogance of the eu who will still say no we want more because mostly, they have never wanted a deal no matter what the cost is to individual countries.

    Wto and free trade now is likely to be the outcome, something we should have done the very day article 50 was launched so by now everyone would be ready to go next March. I think that is the route it will go because that is the route the eu comission always wanted, so the sooner we get on with that the better
    #14063 noobie, Jul 16, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  4. And none of you have said anything that changes my point.
  5. I don't think anyone has ever said they were trying too? Apart from " the U.K. is shit, brextards and I'm off to France, allegedly" your position is well known.
  6. TBH does anyone know Dukes point most of the time. Other than U.K. is shite, EU is great, we should share our wealth with the Germans.
  7. Share our wealth? What wealth would this be?

    In any case I think you will find Germany is much wealthier in real terms than the UK.
  8. When you don't pay your bills, you tend to have a bit more extra money, and not just your nato contributions either.

    This might explain why the Greeks are pissed Germany didn't allow a debt re-alignment for them given Germany had half of it's war debt wiped out. Being British, we paid our's :D
  9. Then why dint we let them pay for them, and we'll pay for us...we have spent 60 yrs paying for them to rebuild the infrastructure and industry, so will make a change ;)
  10. Pay for who? is this all about immigrants again coming over stealing everything?

    Locally to me it is full of lazy, idle, overweight, uneducated Brits who were refusing to work and taking every penny the Government gives them.
  11. On 31 December 1998, the Council of the European Union fixed the irrevocable exchange rate, effective 1 January 1999, for German mark to euros as DM1.95583 = €1. One Deutsche Mark was divided into 100 Pfennige.

    Aaaand there you go again. You made a statement about germany's wealth, information was put to you that they have not been paying their full bills since the 50's and listed the massive wipe out of half of their war debt and the continual underfunding of the very body they say they need, to protect them from the bad russian man they are spending billions with

    and your it all about the migrants again?

    loading the gun for a divert and a racist claim rather than see what you have done but you do this all the time
  12. The European Parliament is the only "Parliament" in the world that cannot enact, amend or repeal legislation. Only the unelected, secretive and self-appointed EU Commission can do that. MEPs can propose new legislation, amendments and repeals but the final say lies with the Commission.
    The EP is essentially a rubber-stamping shop designed to have the appearance of representative democracy while in reality a politburo of failed politicians who were sacked under genuine democratic process in their own countries exerts absolute rule.

    And even then, that cosmetic veneer of democratic accountability is only applicable if you think of the EU as a single state, which of course it is not. It is a collection of 28 separate states. In our own Parliament, any party can field a candidate in any constituency and the entire house is elected by the UK electorate and the UK electorate alone. In the EP a UK candidate cannot contest a seat in another EU member state, yet we must accept laws passed by people in those states whom we can never vote in to or out of office. 91% of the seats in the European Parliament (and therefore 91% of the voting power) are held by constituencies in foreign countries where the UK electorate have no representation whatever. And it's the same for all the other EU member states. In fact for a lot of them its worse since many of them are smaller countries than the UK and have even less voting power than we do. The system was designed to extinguish democracy not extend it and does that very well. Yet some people still think we can "change the EU from within". Its no wonder we voted to leave and no wonder millions of Europeans would like the opportunity to do the same.
  13. You know exactly what I was talking about...damn now I remember why I've stepped out of all this bollox!! Misdirection and bullshit everywhere you look! Back to looking at bike threads and doing my best to ignore all this round and round nonsense.
  14. Nonsense is the word. Everything is the fault of someone else.

    Fuck knows who the idiots in charge of this Country will blame in a few years time. They will have run out of scapegoats.
  15. 5038193367_c27de5e6e0_b.jpg
  16. Thats exactly in. Remoaners one side, Brexitards the other. Never catching each other. Never going to change the others mind. And BTW one is running on shingle, one on sand, as they will never agree on anything...
  17. Looking at other European countries you scenario happens but is not always the defining factor. As I said earlier, it is also a way for new parties to emerge, as people can see their vote has some resonance. Again Macron and his new party are a good example of this.
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  18. FORD Europe is a subsidiary of the American parent company. The European subsidiary designs cars for the European market and the American company designs cars for the American market. Very few cars are sold in both. The mustang being one exception, but that's not even the same car.
  19. Not surprisingly, you miss the most obvious of points. The United States is a trading block of 50 states. It is organised as a federal republic, with over arching federal law, but with each state having its own laws for non federal matters. Perhaps you should look into Texas, and it's uneasy relationship with the union?

    The United States of America tells you all you need to know about why large trading blocks are more successful than small units with separate laws governing voltage, or dimensions or labelling or whatever.
  20. Jesus.....and they let you vote?

    You would have to rank your preferences as 1,2,3 as first, second and third preference.

    Either way, I think remain would win with over 50% anyway.
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