British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I can't believe the brexiteers here still have not worked out what

    Telegraph, Mail owners etc

    And their like have in common?

    They are all arch right wingers who believe that free market capitalism is the way forward. They don't believe in farm subsidy. They believe in de regulation. They will have the masses eating any old crap and won't care that the UK will be reliant on cheap food imports that farms will go bust and the countryside will no longer be managed. They won't care because they can afford the best food and won't be eating chlorinated chicken.

    They don't care about abandoning obligations to international treaties or re igniting civil war in Ireland.

    When they are in charge, your workers rights will be eroded. Your human rights will be eroded. The NHS will be privatised and we will end up with American style social security.

    The EU protects us from these psychopaths.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. You can tell you don't read the thread but just come in and rant otherwise you would know half the sillyness has already been covered. Keep up chap keep up
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Great, so you agree that Ford is American and they sell 2 of the top 3 selling cars in the UK then. This is contrary to your previous post saying we DON'T buy American cars. Good to see you starting to admit when you have been wrong.

    However, now you want to talk about Mustangs, you never said we don't buy Mustangs. :rolleyes:
    #14083 Robarano, Jul 18, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2018
  4. We made our preference, that was to leave. How many times do you want to hear it?

    Think remain would win? You’d be wrong then, wouldn’t you. As usual.
    #14084 Robarano, Jul 18, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2018
  5. Read that back to yourself, you moron. The masses eating crap. War in Ireland. The countryside in unmanaged disarray. Chlorinated chicken. Erosion of workers rights. Erosion of human rights. Privatization of the NHS. That drunkard, Junker really protects us from ourselves, doesn't he? I'm amazed we achieved anything as a country prior to joining the EEC. o_O Of course, you have zero proof for an ounce of it.

    Jesus.....and they let you vote?
    #14085 Robarano, Jul 18, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2018
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. First 4 have decided to run for public office, a thankless task, the last three are media giants

    Unless you live in North Korea, everyone benefits from free market capitalism, in varying amounts granted but I suspect if you work for someone, your company will make profits and if you're self employed you will price accordingly to make a profit or benefit also. Hate to tell you chap, you are a child of the free market yourself and you benefit every day.

    God you've swallowed an echo chamber, socialist worker maybe?

    They believe, like most people, that companies who make profits should do so on their own merit and not with tax payers assist/subsidy to then have the cheek to charge customers with over priced food.

    Eating any old crap? get a grip man we have been under the eu for decades and are the fat country of europe, Your assumption food prices dropping means crap food increasing is pure scare story and without any foundation

    Many farms are multi nationals business's, even the ones that look like an individual farmer, many are actually owned by investment groups with the farmers as tenant farmers, A friend I have used to own a farm, it got into trouble in the 80's and like so many around then, were bought by investment and pension companies, his was by BP pensions. Farming will change and it has needed to for a long time.

    Ahh the old chlorinated chicken. Have you ever wondered who is saying this? Mostly remainers funnily enough, not even the eu. That's because the eu knows it has for decades ALSO chlorine rinsed rinsed fruit, nuts and salads . I know you have trouble reading a lot beyond big letters but I'm going to do it anyway post 5000 tells you all you need to know about the eu versus the us chlorination of food. To surmise, the eu does it too and the us does it better and chicken is safer for it but I'll add this one too

    This is a U.K. poultry magazine

    It agree's the quality of the u.s. chicken has never been an issue, even the eu agree's but it also mentions why the eu does not put "this food has been chlorine rinsed" on it's eu food because

    Under current EU rules, the chlorine wash is classed as a processing aid rather than an ingredient and so wouldn’t have to be declared on the packaging. This means UK consumers would be unlikely to know whether imported US chicken had been through the chlorination process unless it was voluntarily declared. Of course, once the UK leaves the EU, it would be free to change the rules. But that doesn’t mean it necessarily would.

    Honestly, you talk like a right old knob. If you mean the good Friday agreement then not surprisingly you're wrong. They have said all along it will be respected and no border of the old days will ever be placed there again. And in case you didn't notice , new ira threw a firework bomb last week at adams house and another ex ira man and both had feck all to do with brexit

    Any proof of this or have you simply copied a socialist worker item? as to the nhs, it has been a problem of our own making as for decades we sought gucci nhs for primark money. If we ourselves fund it right, we won't need American money so we ourselves control the nhs future

    Have you been at junkers private bar again?
    • Funny Funny x 3
  7. The Tories are tearing themselves some new if they don't have enough already. :D

    Constitutional crisis right around the corner.
  8. The tories are doing what they should be doing, fighting their corners and for most of them, their constituencies wishes.
    Whilst labour requires you to have a mind reader as to what they are doing and only a few are standing up for what they believe in, the rest are deadly quiet.

    Brexit is one of the biggest changes in our life time, except the time we were told, honest, it's only going to be a trade body and nothing else. Labour is just as divided as the tories and had they been in power, I doubt much would have been different if Labour were sorting it out as they too would have had infighting
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  9. MP in radios today. Constituency heavy leave. His tests are ‘will it make their business more difficult in trading with EU and/or will it affect their standard of living’

    Simply trying to justify why he is refusing to do what those who voted for him want to do.
  10. My MP rarely does what i want.

    In fact he is still refusing to jump off that bridge on the M54 at rush hour which i demanded he do.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Our town voted nearly 70% leave, our mp voted to remain, I have no issue with his personal vote. However, when he goes into the commons, It would not be unreasonable as a voice for the constituancy given the figures, if he represented them more than the eu.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. On Sky this morning? blatant and utter pro-EU bullshit from the media mouthpiece and one of the usual gobshites,who were determined to talk over/shout down a lady who made some very pertinent,obvious and true points about leaving.
    Same as last night,except it was a very pretty young lady cosying up to the mouthpiece,but the usual plaintive anti-Brexit wailing attempts to drown out the sensible contributions from the editor? of Westmonster.
    But going back in history a bit,here's a Youtube of a speech by Peter Hitchens a few years ago,in which he explains exactly how and why the EU came about,and which now illustrates exactly why a great number of western politicians are determined to prevent our exit from the EU at any cost.
    It's quite a long video,it's a bit dry and there are references going back to events in the nineteenth century.
    Fortunately most remainers will dismiss it because of who made the speech,(and they won't want to debate facts that don't fit their narrative),but worth the watch for those of open mind or with a genuine interest in our history:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Ok, I agree I did not explain this very well.

    Who owns ford is irrelevant. It could be owned by Martians.

    What is important is that Ford Europe designs cars for the European market. It’s very existence tells us that the American ford product would not be successful in Europe.

    The Focus and Fiesta May be made by a company which is ultimately owned by an American company, but they are not American products. They are designed by Europeans and manufactured by Europeans. They are European products.

    The Mustang was designed and manufactured by Americans but it has a cult status most American cars don’t have and additionally, it is shipped to Europe with European Suspension. Otherwise, it would not be as successful as it has been
  14. By defining cars by their ultimate ownership:

    Jaguars and Range Rivers are Indian.
    Nissans areFrench
    Bentleys are German.
    Lotus is far eastern.
    MG is Chinese.
    Minis are German.
  15. Yes, and I vote after I have listened to what experts in the the relevant categories have to say about their subjects, not politicians.

    Working groups have established that there is no technical solution to the Irish issue. There will be a hard border somewhere. Either in the Irish Sea or on land. If on land there will be all manner of trouble in Ireland and the UKs reputation with regard to respecting international treaties will be mud. If it’s in the sea the loyalists will be up in arms. Who does the PM rely on for votes at the moment?

    The NHS in England is already well on its way to privatisation. My MRIs are done by a private company. They subcontracted our cataract operations for about 4 days until the 50% failure rate lost the contractor it’s contract. Patients went blind, doctors credentials were not properly checked.

    Human rights are not being incorporated into the Brexit bill.

    I don’t need to prove anything, I am repeating the views of the above individuals on these topics. It’s their opinion not mine.

    What is the motivation for Rees Mogg for Brexit? What does he get out of it?
    • Like Like x 1

  16. As above, it’s not where the brass plaque is. It’s who designs them and who they are designed for that makes a product successful in a market, or not.

    The focus and fiesta are every inch European cars. Designed and manufactured for and by Europeans. That’s why ford Europe exists and why very few Ford USA cars are sold in Europe.
  17. So how do you see the Ford Transit's that are all made in Turkey?

    As a by the by,The ford thing has very little to do with Brexit, I think you thought you had a nugget that has turned into fools gold
  18. what happened to the missing £160mill CAP payments earmarked for Scottish hill farmers?.
    i think i now know what Gove means by "efficient" farmers continuing to get financial help. getting to know Dunfries and galloway area over the last few days i noticed the farms are freekin massive. tory land.
    Aberdeenshire farms, freekin massive, tory land.
    N/W farms, not tory land, small and difficult to run, rely heavily on these payments for their existence, small cottage industries grow off the back of them that draw people to live and tourists to the area. triple whammy for the area.
    Gove, get fucked.
    btw, apart for the amount of torys around, get you and yer bike around the S/W for a day or two. most of it is not the fastest of roads, but interesting. not to busy, more scrambler/hyper than panigale.
  19. I have so missed your indi threads fin, welcome back.
  20. of course you did. everything not pro tory brexit is pro indi. :upyeah:
    dislike for a policy is actually grievance and exposing bull is pro indi. you da man.:upyeah:
    i see yer no less the twat than you where two weeks ago. anyhoo, if you had a bike i would recommend joining yer brothers and sisters on a wee tour around D+Galloway.
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