Indeed. You couldn't even get annoyed with Americans criticising British cuisine. It would be completely risible.
its considerably more complicated than the American one.... 1) do you have a gun 2) can you shout yeeeeeeee HAW! 3) have you had a taste bypass 4) are you capable of burying your head so deep in the sand you cannot grasp basic concepts, like free availability of guns = higher chance of a psycho getting hold of one and shooting everyone. Congrashulashuns you are in the yoooooo essssssss aaaaaaay! number 1 number 1 number 1 WOOOP!
Bit more difficult - what's William and Harry's Surname ? What's the Queen's surname ? Have I put the apostrophes in the right place ? Have I spelled / spelt apostrophes correctly ? Is it spelled or spelt ?
I got 10/10, but I'll keep my old non-British passport, if you don't mind. At least these questions are more relevant than the Labour-invented ones, those just made no sense at all.
Life in the United Kingdom test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Have a look at these questions from the 2005 test, how many can you answer? Life in the United Kingdom test: Free Questions/Answers (Q&A) and Materials
I bit of research throws up the stat that the Muslim population of the UK is 4%. So that's 96% of the population who aren't, or 96 people out of every 100. You then throw in the obvious that most Muslims are living quietly running their little shops or whatever, and not going to Finsbury Park Mosque, repatriating their daughters, or kidnapping their children. There is such a media hoo-hah and focus on the Muslim community when in fact they should just be ignored. They don't really weigh very heavily in the British balance.
Daily Mail scaremongering. Of course, if immigration goes unchecked and Britain continues to import fairly uneducated Muslims who are likely to have loads of kids, then yes, I suppose there could be a change. But there is no inevitability about it. The country can ultimately decide what it likes - it is a democracy after all.
I'm sure that immigration will hold back an influx of "uneducated" muslims, as you put it. However Islam is still a growing religion here due to the fact they tend to have lots of kids. Their religion encourages them to so that the religion grows. And how do I know? Several Muslims, including an Imam, have told me.
I only mention education because birth rates drop as education increases. You would expect 2nd and 3rd generation Muslims to have birth rates not that incomparable to ethnic British. You'd expect new Muslim immigrants to keep the values of their homeland. Even if it's 4% today and 6% in 20 years, that's still an awful lot of people who aren't Muslim, and there is no real point getting a bee in your bonnet about it. Mind you, I can imagine that things feel quite different in Leicester, Bradford or bits of inner London. But then go to Norwich or Salisbury and it all looks like a storm in a media teacup. Since 9/11, the American media has been obsessed with Muslims, like the 300 million US inhabitants are under some dire threat. This stridency has been replicated by the European media so that everyone spends more time focussing on a couple of beardies than they do on the bankers who really are raping the country. The more publicity extremist Muslims get, the more they are encouraged to multiply and agitate. Starve them of news and they'll probably just get bored.