BBC News - American Sniper author Chris Kyle shot dead in Texas i give up,i cant even think of a joke.......
[gun nut who will do anything to draw attention away from guns] it was a person who shot him, not a gun.... waaaaa [/gun nut who will do anything to draw attention away from guns] I'm sorry, this is going to sound very harsh, but I just don't care. I won't care if there is another school shooting. I don't care about the innocent people killed by guns in America every year. Why do I not care? because they are too damned stupid to accept their precious second amendment is the cause of many needless deaths. America loves guns more than it loves the safety of its citizens, so this is going to happen again and again.
I have no problem with US citizens having guns. Same with Afghanistan, Iran or any of the other "terror" states around the globe. Let 'em shoot it all out amongst themselves.
As we are in league with the yanks, uder your rationale, doesn't that make us terrorists therefore you and I and all legitimate targets? The fact that this guy had no remorse or signs of humility for killing so many says that when he reaches his pearly gates for reckoning, he'll find a rather long elevator down
He was a friend of the dead sniper who was trying to help the killer with post traumatic stress. Is taking someone with PTS to a shooting range a good idea? Obviously not.
To a lesser extent, the UK shares the responsibility of the underhanded and disrespectful way the US conducts its foreign policy. I am entirely confident that the UK would follow the US lead no matter how honest or dishonest it was - so yes, in answer to your question. Legitimate targets, but I reserve the right to defend myself regardless :smile: You think that there is a post-life reckoning for transgressions in life? That's comforting, I guess.
Good luck with the boy scout pen-knife; thats all we have to defend ourselves! Lol More that he and the good ol' yanks do
Wtf .... Taking someone to a range with PTSD ???? Blind leading the blind stupid leading stupid!!!! I'm sorry but USA is bonkers or stupid half the time ! No pen knife here ... But I'm lethal with a rolling pin!
Some wild say I'm lethal with a spanner...well I've destroyed or killed enough things with one anyway
So are you suggesting that anyone who has killed for their comrades or Country should go to 'Hell'? Have you any Military experience, from that sweeping statement I'd bet the answer is no.... So you know that for a fact do you? How many ranges have you been on in a civvie or military role?
As I've said before, If i were sent to war I'll save them the trouble - they can put me against the wall and shoot me. I wont die a coward, I'd die a brave man, as its wrong to take another humans life, end of. That is a principal I'll quite happily die for. Perhaps the warmongers should all be given a gun each and left to duke it out between themselves - it would save a lot of innocent lives.
No and no. And the statement stands valid; in the event a life must be taken for the greater good, it doesn't mean the taker should relish in the taking. Whether a soldier, a terrorist or the bloke who flicks the switch in the Texan chambers, humility and humanity in the action is what sets us from the beasts. The act itself is not the point I'm referring to, but the reaction and lack of empathy for those killed If such an act cam be justified in the mid of said man so easily, it would be no surprise of killing continued once removedfrom the battle field if he felt justified. After all, anyone evil cam be killed in his eyes, or so it seemed, so why not just walk down the the deli on 15th and 8th and blow away the guy who owns the Halal butchers?