British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. And Ford moved the Transit out of the UK and out of the EU to Turkey for an EU / Turkey deal - your arguments are atrocious and erroneous and we need out, if only you would do some proper research :):upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. :eyes:
  3. Amazon have also issued a similar warning that they will not be able to function in the UK with a hard Brexit and predict civil unrest within a few weeks of the end of March 2019 if it happens.
  4. Shhhh crazy Daisey :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. This is the same amazon that avoids so much tax in the U.K. that you say people should go after, are now your icons of common sense duke? :D
  6. There is currently no customs facility able to cope with the import and export of goods to the EU at the level we currently due, Exige.

    Many companies will not have sufficient goods and parts to function as a result so will have to lay staff off. That is Amazon’s point.
  7. Funny enough if you had to name a company that looked after it's staff, Amazon would not be top of the list.

    We will be perfectly fine as companies on the other side of the channel cannot afford to stop supplying us and most people with common sense know that

    I bet you were one of those who said the millenium bug is real as well and they needed to plan for going back to caves.

    The closer we get to October, the more the loons will panic and the more the worst of the remianers will tell you an eclipse of the sun is God being angry with us
  8. All you are missing is the economic facts of how the EU will suffer worse if they play hard ball :) The EU parliament you support will be overruled by the big EU money pits - the only thing wrong here is Camerloon not instigating Brexit the day after the vote, immediately, as he promised. All would be fine now. The issue is Brussels and the majority of the government including May do not want to upset their privileged status quo and are all playing games, it's pathetic :rolleyes:
    But you will be fine :):upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I've been watching the "5 billion pound super sewer" on BBC 2" following the massive replacement/upgrade of the sewer systems in London, quite interesting.

    There is no revisiting our colonial past but more of what we are and doing best what we do best. Governments may come and go but the U.K. deals with big problems with big solutions, we are world wide recognised as having some of the best engineers, technical, computer, developers, industry, finances and many many more.

    I know it's popular and hip to continually say our country is shit, but it isn't. we export our retiree's and the migrants coming in by 3 to 1, are europes young who see something in the U.K. that cannot be offered anywhere else.

    We are one of the largest powerhouses in the eu and the world and the idea we are going to turn to jelly if we leave the eu is pure nonsense.
    #14129 noobie, Jul 24, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
  10. That'll be the same Amazon with whom I deleted my account earlier today. A once useful online seller that has turned into a corporate racketeer that seems to operate above the consumer and tax laws that apply to the rest of us. They signed me up for subscriptions I hadn't asked for and made it impossible to navigate a cancellation. In the end I had to demand a phone call from a (non-EU) call centre to get my account closed and details deleted.
    I think predicting civil unrest if UK consumers need to find a different billion dollar corporate giant employing minimum-wage migrants on zero-hours contracts to supply them with over-priced Chinese tat in exchange for leaking their credit card details is a little hysterical.
    That's the kind of job creation and consumer choice the EU can keep. I'm making my online purchases now from UK or Anglosphere-based companies, and guess what, You can get everything you want at the same price or better, the only difference is you have to make the exhausting effort go to page 2 of the Google search to find them. Wow. Earth-shattering stuff.
    #14130 Gimlet, Jul 24, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2018
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  11. You are not good with percentages are you, Exige.

    The UK has about two weeks worth of money reserves if things go tits up next April.

    Then it can no longer pay Government employees.
  12. Morning Chuckles, Any facts, links, scenario's ?. No good you telling someone they are no good with percentages if you can't even show any yourself is it?
  13. maybe he is making like a brexit minister....
    anyhoo, i'v been preaching about buying local and offline for as long as i can remember, both on here and out there. am i a closet fascist?.

    I know it's popular and hip to continually say our country is shit, but it isn't. we export our retiree's and the migrants coming in by 3 to 1, are europes young who see something in the U.K. that cannot be offered anywhere else.

    ha, this gave me a chuckle. why? *reasons*.
  14. Morning o_O no percentages there :eyes:
  15. you're no fascist fin, fascist, just promoting use your local services or lose them

    I know it's popular and hip to continually say our country is shit, but it isn't. we export our retiree's and the migrants coming in by 3 to 1, are europes young who see something in the U.K. that cannot be offered anywhere else.

    The reason fin is, you know it's true :D happy days
  16. YES, noob, i know stuff.
    40% approval rates, low targets never met, an abysmal inward investments achieved, hmm, acceptable.
    90% approval rates, v,high targets regularly met, continual record highs of inward investment, ect ect ect.the list is endless. hmm, "bloody separatists are doing it on purpose". lord foulkes and Co bombarding us with " you and yer country is shit".
    aye, if you dont know how far you've come, you never knew where you where in the first place.
  17. I missed your "everything is about Scotland" ramblings fin whilst you were on your break, welcome back :upyeah::D
  18. They're coming here because the UK is the second largest economy in Europe and we are not part of the single currency which has brought the largest mass unemployment crisis to Europe since the second world war.
    Some may be coming here because they think it's a fabulous place full of lovely people and they're all jut loved up on Brit culture, but most are coming here to work and send money home where, in the depressed Eurozone it is worth far more than it is in the UK. Great news for employers who want to grow a bit fatter since it drives down UK wages, particularly in the low pay sector, towards Eurozone levels, not so good for low paid UK workers who have no reciprocal opportunity to do the same thing in other EU countries.
    Essentially, millions of Europeans are coming to the UK because we are the end destination for the EU's single biggest export: its unemployed.
    #14138 Gimlet, Jul 25, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. why wouldn't it be?, no matter how much you try, its not all about you and yours brw.
    we are in v,good place when it comes to comparing the competency of the three different administrations currently running in the uk at the mo.
    i will wager, with the performance figures of the last 10years from up here, along with the current majority of MP's also from up here, will have done more to expose the failings of the uk Parliament in general, and particularly the current minority gov.
    the damage brexit is gonna cause to most, and knowing how Barnet works, they have done more to protect the working class and public services in England Ireland and Wales than any unionist MP.
    not that you will regularly hear that from the UK MSM.
    there's all kinds of propaganda noob's. (just look at the BBC's charter).
    today its propaganda by omission day.
    i wounder how may know the uk and scot gov where at the supreme court yesterday and again today, over the brexit continuity bill?. i wonder how many will know the language the uk gov has used in their defense of it?, i wounder how many know the scot gov have support from the welsh and Irish over it?
    i drove through two news bulletins and 40mins of the "premier" current affairs show on the radio this morning. big news, hold the press, animals have feeling and kit Kat are pondering the future of the four finger bar. supreme court? hmm? oh look, a squirrel.
    noobs you are either part responsible for creating the fake news cycle or a result of it. one or the other.
  20. Damn, I thought it was for the amazing climate and welcome they got from people here. ;)
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