Wanted - 749/999 Clocks

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by RickyX, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Just bought a 749R and the clock "glass" is cracked on both displays.

    Looking for a second hand unit that I can take to bits to see if I can repair the one on the bike using an old one as a donor.

    Instruments don't need to be working as I just want the clock faces.

  2. Snap ...I understand it is a common problem on 749 / 999's. My '06 screen went during a cold weather ride last winter. Someone with plastic moulding skills and an interest required to fabricate replacement glass units. There must be strong demand out there and there are 2 orders right here!
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  3. Interesting read on the subject ...it's annoying not to be able to source a replacement from Ducati
  4. Three : o (
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  5. Ok so this is where I am at with the Cracks in my 999 Dash issue. I pulled the panel this afternoon. This was a very easy do.
    The entire panel simply pulls out. Grip it securely around the outside and pull reasonably firmly. Go easy as you feel the panel come out of its 3 rubber mountings. You will then need to remove the bottom alloy plug with a hex socket. This holds the electrical plug into the back of the panel and doubles as a fixing point for the dash panel.
    I used a auto trim remover to go carefully around the outside of the case and lever it apart gently. You will see some points around the case that seem to be the points to push in. Hopefully the photos will be clear enough to identify the points.
    The case will come apart quite easily. Then take a hold of the square electrical plug input and gently wiggle the white circuit board away from the front panel containing the clear lenses, the lenses with the pharking cracks in them!!!.
    I have looked really closely at the way these are put together. It seems that the clear lenses have sides, kind of like a jam jar lid made of clear plastic/acrylic or whatever the material is. I tried to heat the inside of the cover with a hair dryer and see if the glue would melt and allow the lens to be pushed out. No go. I am reluctant to push or pull to much on these and also a little concerned about applying too much heat. The cost of replacing this part ever present in my mind!!.
    At this point I am open to suggestions???. One way around the problem would be to carefully remove, (cut, grind) both lenses out and replace them with a very good quality clear acrylic that is flexible and scratch resistant. Maybe drilling small holes into the newly cut replacements an securing them from the outside with some form of decorative (for want of better words) hex bolts including a gasket or large O ring to seal out the elements??.
    I still can't understand why the outside case for this Instrument panel can not be purchased from Ducati via the manufacturer "Magneti Marelli". The panel came off the Bike very easily and the case was very straight forward to separate. This is pissing me off royally!!. Please feel free to chime in with ideas or advice. I have searched a number of forums and this problem of mysterious cracks is not isolated to the 999. It seems that Monsters, 999's, 749's, 1098's etc have had the issue. Oh I could also just cut some clear 3M self adhesive film and apply it to the lenses. Easy way out but not exactly the fix I am after. Cheers
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  6. #6 900streetfighter, Jul 24, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
  7. What are the problems to look out for on the 749/999:thinkingface:just in case i need a purchase myself
  8. Clock lenses crack.
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  9. They are pretty robust ...Testastretta engine is strong when well maintained. Issues on the pre 2005 models seem to amount mostly to relay's, and the odd sprag clutch. Fitting new / secondary battery earth etc (Exact Start) transforms starting. My 2006 is pushing 20k and I intend to run it to high mileage. I think there are a few on here with plus 35k and no issues. That said I know a guy with a Series 1 Multi on 75K miles and it is a totally reliable touring bike. Spares are available although replacement original plastics and exhaust options are becoming limited. Get one, they are different and well balanced with very useable power on the road.
  10. Excellent thank you:upyeah:
  11. 46K on my 999S. It's a great sports bike and can double as a tourer with a Ventura luggage system. Love mine to bits.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. Good to know that Loz, cheers. I love mine too...keeps up with most of the state of art stuff on road in real terms and as you say they'll do distance too.
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