Icon Rear Wheel Creaking & Clunking

Discussion in 'Scrambler' started by webbo, Jul 26, 2018.

  1. Just now I put my bike up on the paddock stands and went to clean the chain but straight away I could hear noises when rotating the rear wheel.
    No noises last week and just had it's annual service done on Monday at a Ducati dealership.

    What do you guys think? Sounds like a bearing/bearings.

    Even pushing it along the noises are loud!

  2. Get the bearings changed'
  3. I will call the dealership tomorrow.
    I'm hoping they will come collect the bike as I don't fancy riding it that far!
  4. I used the rivet link as a marker as I rotated the wheel.
    Starting just before the noises, the master rivet link was at the top of the rear sprocket to start off with. By the time the wheel rotated and the noises occured again, the master rivet link was in a different place ie at the bottom near to where chain tension is checked.

    I didn't set up the tight spot when checking unfortunately. The dealership has literally just done the annual service so surely they haven't over tightened it??
  5. I would of done the work myself but I still have 4 months of warranty left so thought it best to have it done at the main dealer.
    I'll look at the chain tension with the tight spot found and see what it's doing.

  6. If it’s just been serviced by a Ducati dealer take it straight back and get them to sort it!
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  7. I initially wanted to do that but if they have caused it then they are obviously incompetent! Not sure I want them working on my bike but it's probably the correct course of action.
  8. Would you ask for the bike to be collected as it's just over an hour of riding to get to them and I'm not sure I fancy riding it if a potential bearing/s is failing/failed?
  9. Yes. And if they are decent people they’ll do it for you.
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  10. E mail them your video and ask for their opinion.
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  11. Doesn’t sound like the chain, slack it right off and push the bike again to eliminate it, then slacken the spindle nuts a bit and give it another push, it’s possible they have over torqued them when adjusting the chain or damaged a bearing and crushed the spacer, (spindle nuts should be 145Nm), anyway that’s not a rider making those noises, even if the noise goes when you’ve checked the spindle torque it should be picked up, another thought just came to me as I was typing DO THIS FIRST; it could be the rear brake grabbing, take the rear pads out and see if the noise goes, or you could just gently push back the outer pad that sits against the piston to gain clearance by pushing the piston back into the calliper, only problem with that is if something has got behind the inner pad and is forcing it onto the disc you’ll not find it unless you take the pads out, go on YouTube and type in “Scrambler rear brake pad change” it shows you how to remove the pin, takes less than a minute.
  12. Tension doesn’t look too bad. It’s an easy check... info on silver decal on swing arm.
    I’d check wheel alignment. If it’s out, and the chain line is on the piss, then the chain will hook up with rear sprocket at an angle, pads will rub and catch on drillings in disc...
  13. Warped rear disk? Has that been mentioned ? ( didn' t see it)
  14. Thanks guys for your replies...
    As advised, I called the Ducati Roadside Assistance and the AA came to mine.
    The AA guy said he couldn't work out what it was but was confident it was neither chain nor rear brake pad/caliper as the sound could be heard/felt more in the hub area. I also had come to this conclusion.
    Currently Riders of Bristol have it, though they haven't had the wheel off yet (Monday), they've had a quick look and the technician thinks it's something to do with the bearings, its been suggested that maybe one of the races has broken.
    There is no play in the wheel, the chain is slightly tight but not crazily and the adjusters are in align.

    Just hope I get it back in time to ride to Thruxton for BSB.

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  15. Ok webbo, at least it’s getting sorted for free, let us know what they find, interesting one this.
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  16. Only 4 months of warranty left, hopefully nothing else will go wrong!

    Will do.
  17. Surely the least the dealer can do if they still have your bike, is loan you one to go to thruxton bsb?
    Must be another you fancy trying for an extended test ride :upyeah:
  18. I asked about a loan bike and was told a loan bike for warranty work isn't actually something Ducati provide.
    Apparently it's exclusively the dealership that offers loan bikes and at the moment they don't have any available.
  19. Who are these clowns?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Surely they get paid for the warranty work as they would by any other customer. ..
    Or does it not work like that ....
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