Keeping threads on topic

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Hi all,

    Can we please try to keep threads on topic. If you are reading something that spurs you on to write about something not directly linked to the thread title then please start a new thread (or if it's not worth a new thread maybe in the chat room).

    There's some good threads that will be of help to many more ducatisti in the future, but I'm worried that many are getting filled up with random banter (which is totally fine in itself but needs to be in the correct place!).

    So this is a plea to all members to keep the conversation relevant, on topic and purposeful.

    It will be worth it, everyone wins :)

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  2. Some are more guilty than others I thinks, naming no names :smile:
  3. Yes I'm guilty for it.
    I will behave and apologies :)
  4. Yes Mr Ham
    Bad girl
    Wont happen again promise
    We'll keep it to the 6th form room
  5. Shall we change the forum name to DSC too?

    No f*cker posts on there anymore either!
  6. There will be moderators next...........:eek:
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  7. Blimey chaps! It's just a polite request :)
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  8. Polite requests, that's how it starts.

    Next thing you know, there will be pleases and thank-yous and then where will we be? :eek:
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Give Rob little respect!

    Its pretty easy going on this forum unlike the thread deleting infraction bollocks on
    The old site!
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  10. some of the best threads are the ones that go off topic

    but that's my option and I hope I'm still entitleld to it
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. It can be your opinion too :smile:
  12. Cripes, what a tinderbox - not speaking for Rob but everyone wanders off topic from time to time and there's no harm in that - it's when it's so blatant that the O.P.'s original question or plea is totally lost and well.. ignored that means surely it's gone too far.
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  13. feck me a spelling moderator :rolleyes:
  14. Blimey, say what you fucking mean why don't you.

    No. Fuck off.



    Delete this bollocks.

    Sorry for going off thread :wink:
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  15. Would this be a good time to mention my tax disc.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Rob, you must not have met this lot before...
  17. threads do go off topic.(thats the way way forums go) and that makes them intersing.most in the off topic section,but thats the way it goes,enjoy it,i do :)
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  18. We've been told off...
  19. Stop changing the subject, Glidd.
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  20. perhaps we need a tongue in cheek could eleviate the problem of posts being taken out of context as you cant express whether a comment is in humour or serious............thats the internet though working out the intent of someones comment.
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