Your revs also drop I assume when you pull the clutch... so yes - engine vibration.. My 2017 vibrates more than my 15 did... I asked the dealer to check it over... normal answer all is fine... I have the Enduro Pegs fitted since the 15 plate --- I swapped them over so did not ride 17 without them - I fitted them there primarily for a bigger peg - but it did lessen vibration. For me the vibrations I get are in 3 places Hands (grips) added weights from Evotech - much better.. Feet (changed pegs) - but mild - not a big issue In the gentlemen region when resting against tank - most noticeable when slowing down from say 120 to 90.. off gas..when your body slides forward... have not done anything about that - except ask dealer to check... quite like it.... when your old you take your kicks where you can get them
I will give it a go it's a strange one because only been doing it for last 3 to 4 months bike is 14 plate with 15 k on it
It’s got worse over time and less after a tyre change. Think the op needs more than replace pegs: think needs to find the issue!
Was about to ask when belts are due...... could they be getting slack and creating a slight engine imbalance??? or could the chain have been overtightened and put too much pressure on the output shaft, this would mean the front sprocket running out of line???
Anything that starts extra vibes, that are so noticeable and getting worse, would be raising an alar for me TBH. Don't want to get the hares running, and crossing my fingers its simply a bolt come undone or a wheel problem
The vibes are jot getting worse they are the same every week i have been checking bolts tonight so far they are tight
The belts are due I thought it might be then but I wouldn't thought they would cause vibes in the foot pegs they is a big waiting list to get them done. Tried to book it in to ducati but they are saying end of Sept before they can do them
Sorry, away with the wife so a bit tardy. Yes, my engine woes were a vibey bike through the pegs. I had it OK’d but it continued before finally giving up. I’d get bearings checked if all else shows OK.
No, it went bang a short while later. It was the start of the end. Snapped crank and shot bearings. Ended up backing it as factory fault.
Thank I will find out at the week end to see if it is any better with changing the foot pegs to standard and I have checked to bolts on the engine bit everything is tight