Keeping threads on topic

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. That's all very well but the increasing cost of Cheese is OUTRAGEOUS!! What do you all think?:wink:
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  2. [​IMG]
  3. there you like..........liking your style....can it be saved with the others?
  4. For fear of deviating from the OP, can someone please remind me what this thread was on about? So I usually use WD40 and Scottish brite.
  5. On yer tackle?! Take it easy fella.
  6. Try toothpaste instead. Makes a day ​memorable.
  7. If a thread has a clear, meaningful title, try and keep to it. If it has a meaningless, incomprehensible title (as many do), there isn't really a topic to keep to.
  8. I thought many of these thread titles are just a jumping off point for banter and silliness, though I agree that "Hey mate, how ya doing?" "Great mate, long time no see" is a bit dull to read.
    #28 gliddofglood, Feb 4, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2013
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  9. Best one I saw was a married couple discussing on a thread what dinner should they have and had they had good days at work :)
    The poor woman ended up with god knows how many dinner requests and cooking tips ... The bloke was ribbed for weeks ... It was v funny!
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  10. I so wish we had a copy of the romantic advice sought by someone on a now defunct Ducati forum!!
  11. feel for you Rob, subject-wise - don't bring it up and piss a few people off or bring it up and piss a whole load more off..
  12. What about a happy medium ?
    In sections not lounge try not to go off topic . ( do not go off topic or I will delete does tend to jar people off as much as the off topic stuff).

    In the Lounge anything goes ?

    That would be fair.
    Then if you don't like rambling eegits like me don't come in the lounge and complain :).

    We like this site as its laid back.
    If you get over the top mods grammer nazis and stuff and pm warnings you just tend to think can't be doing with this and you loose members.

    What do you think ?
  13. What about anything that's a stickie subject you can't banter in
    Eg the clutch plate thread the other day

    Oe technical is just that

    One problem with tapatalk you dont take notice of which part its in and it's easy to take part without realising it's a serious thread.

    Please don't become miserable old age pensioners this forum is a good one and it would be sad for it to become a place your afraid to post in
  14. I'd never pull anybody up on spelling or grammer, mainly as that would be a tad hypocritical of me .:tongue: For me the plan is to get everything in the right section and with the exception of 'The Lounge' if anything goes off topic to steer it back.
    Regarding 'the lounge', i'll be far more relaxed on this approach, but if things start to go wildly off, ie a private conversations that can be done via PMs then i'll step in.
    Thats the plan anyway and if any of my actions upset anybody, then please don't take it personally, i'm just trying to keep it tidy :upyeah:
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  15. Does anyone have the recipe for Eggs Benedict
  16. Jesus, is it really that hard that rules have to be changed or followed?! Quick A B C

    if its about a specific subject, eg 'how do I fit...' Or 'where can I get...' Or 'look at my new bike' resist the temptation to talk about your kids, your dinner or the latest pairof tits you've seen

    if its a general 'what have you done today' or 'am I being an arse asking questions?' Fill yer boots

    cant think of a C...coz it AINT THAT HARD
  17. This thread has had more reaction than my invite to you all to a spring meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Grammar. :eek: Sorry!! :smile:
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  19. Exactly :biggrin::biggrin:
  20. I'm hopeless and using tapatalk on iPhone autocorrect arghhhhh!
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