British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. aye, but yours in in reverse. you are just approaching 1984 on yer way back to Dickensian time
  2. Says the man with the 300 years back in time machine :grinning:
  3. And some men wear skirts.
  4. oh i cant understand, why we let those EU cvnts rule our land.....cap in hand.
  5. The video is what many of us have been saying since brexit was voted on. There has never been a problem that cannot be solved between the U.K. and the eu when it comes to Ireland and the only side insisting there needs to be a hard border in the case of no deal, has always been, the eu
  6. what would the WTO and all those other countries with the EU think about the boarder solutions presented?
  7. Great demonstration of one side applying blinkers to reality and reasonableness in order to reinforce its entranced position.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. WTO gives the U.K. the flexibility to say to the eu, we won't charge you tariffs if you don't charge us tariffs.

    Given what europe is going through, the other 27 know it is better to have the U.K. onside and a willing friend than have the shitty lawyer (the eu comission) create and divide just like any divorce.

    The U.K. has said from day 1, no hard border no matter what, the eu has said from day 1, our way or a hard border.

    We have been poor at highlighting it is the eu asking for a hard border and not us.
  9. WTO states "The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible." I doubt if they have jurisdiction over the nature of a border. Nonetheless the CTA predates the EU and WTO. The whole border issue is created by Barnier, Verhofsted and their cronies, including the Taoiseach.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Is he attending his own funeral there?
  11. The biggest issue is not the irish issue but it is being used as a block by the eu, nothing more and I feel it is more to protect the eu, even though they have the perfect out. They have said multiple times that the Good Friday agreement is paramount.

    On that basis it gives the eu the ability to apply something like a special country exemption to any agreement that would then still maintain normal agreements for the eu. The irish issue can work in both directions of negative and positive, it's just the eu wants to use it negatively than resolving anything.
  12. We choose no border. Not our problem if EIRE under EU instruction try to put one up.

    They can pay for that particular wall too ;) lol
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. given your doom and gloom nature, I'm sure if there is a funeral anywhere, you'll go
  14. The State Funeral of Lady Thatcher.

    So Rees-Mogg wore a top hat for that event. They seemed to be a popular choice on that day, even The Queen wore a variation of the theme.

    Your point?


    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. God forbid, you'd get someone like Corbyn. You have never needed a man of the people to run government, people ask that the government understand most of the people most of the time people, not in a let's all hate jews Corbyn type of understanding the people, but more understanding this was the peoples vote

    From the man or woman who is self employed and of those who have done well for themselves at all varying levels, are you saying only the poorest of the poor should be able to govern?

    I have no problem with people having more money than me and I will look rich to some who have less than me, your class/money obsession blinkers your judgement.

    In the matter of brexit, the eu has sought no deal from day one and no matter how much you bash the British government, have a try at the other sides intransigence from time to time. The verhofstadt being questioned video shows the real reason why we have had 2 years of unnecessary anquish and in fighting.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  16. ''In the matter of brexit, the eu has sought no deal from day one and no matter how much you bash the British government, have a try at the other sides intransigence from time to time. The verhofstadt being questioned video shows the real reason why we have had 2 years of unnecessary anquish and in fighting.''

    Nope, we have had anguish and infighting because the UK government is a joke. Split down the middle, just like the the voting population. We were never going to have a happy clappy party after a referendum that was not thought out or the potential results planned for.
  17. Which side keeps changing the team? Which side keeps changing tact? It looks very much as though its our lot.
  18. Maybe if we keep changing leaders, then Brexiteers will get the result they want??
    Kettle, black. Remainers get labelled as wanting another referendum to get their way, yet Brexiteers are not happy unless they have everything their way with the players on the team.
    JRM? Boris?
    Changing again will just make us look stupid and weaken our bargaining power, but maybe it fits in with the type of 'democracy' some seek.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. True, there is puzzlement as to why she chose to undermine her own two picks in favour of a remaining civil servant and why she refused the Canada plus plus deal which was based on third party deals already agreed by the eu so the eu had nowhere to wriggle from.

    You can only think two possible outcomes, as a remainer she sought to undermine the process to a point of brexit in name only/the softest ever brexit could be

    the other possible is that she sought to bring remainers along seeing as the key points for brexiteers and the fluffy bits round the adges for remainers.

    She was never going to appease everyone so the fall back position must always be the democratic vote

    but again, the anger at the brits side by remainers is not match at their anger at the eu side who lets be honest, have an equal opportunity to get this right or wrong as well
  20. or your biased need for division simply saw you use an opportunistic picture, of a bloke dressed like many others....going to a funeral.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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