Fe Almeria Bike On Hols.

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Nelson, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. Anyone done this?
    I'm booking on Monday...:cool:
    I guess you need to get as many tyres over on the first trip!
  2. You could try wearing a tyre like a hula hoop each time you fly out, put a huge t shirt on over the top and tell people you are American
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Why all the tyres? Do you leave bike there?
  4. Yup.
  5. What’s their cover in case of damage / theft etc.
  6. I’ve got a contact down in Almeria that can get tyres at good prices if you’d like
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Nice one.
    I plan on taking 2 X Conti Track Attacks (E), but a local contact would be very useful for when they're done.
    Please pm me details.
  8. There's and additional charge for insurance while in their care, I don't know the level of cover at the mo.
    The details of the offer are on the FE web page...In short, you buy a single trip that gets yr bike and gear out to Almeria Circuit, when that trip is completed your bike and gear stay in storage at the track. You then purchase 10- days additional track time and B&B which can be used over the next 12 months. Works out (ex-insurance) £89 p/day for track and B&B. We plan a 4+3+3.
    Obviously you need to factor in your other expenses, flights etc. If like me you hate the UK winters, this will be a welcome escape! May even sneak in some house hunting...:cool:
    • Like Like x 4
  9. Have a look here: http://www.tyreking.es/

    The guy that owns it is an English guy called Deane
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Looks great. Pay on a card: hottrax and others did 'pay up front' schemes and went pop owing 10's of thousands.

    Also, note FE are NOT friendly at changing stuff. A mate bought a season pass, 2 grand or so, and did I think one day then got wiped out iof the road. FE gave not two fucks and refused to even allow a carry over or partial refund.
  11. Yeah - I've heard similar...:confused:
  12. Here's a usaful contact - Ducati Jerez +34 95 608 0910, Pol. Autopista Calle Amianto 35, 11405, Jerez De La Frontera. Ask for Paco. He speaks ok English.
    I feel like Ive got a season ticket with them. A trip to Jerez always delivers an annual excursion to them to get something fixed!
    If you know where the Michelin Man roundabout is, then head stright down that dual carriageway towards town. When you see the KTM dealers on the right, turn right just before then first right and you are there.
    Paco will bring a trailer and his Merc van out to you if it really fucks up and they usually get to the bottom of whatever it is by next day (twice they've fitted me in alongside jobs-in-progress, which i can't thank them enough for!).
    So expect to loose a day but usually they are pretty good.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. Dean at Tyre King in Antas v good contact for tyres local to Almeria circuit. Bikes on holiday is a bargain scheme.
  14. Deans a top bloke
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