Pet Hates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Lateness I hate lateness

    Toenails in the bath yuck
  2. People who can't be arsed to say thanks or even smile when you hold a door open for them.
    Using pacific instead of specific
    Text speak spelling in emails or worse, in verbal communication
  3. The c*** word
  4. rude people with no manners, people who patronise others, caravans, drivers who do 30 in a 60, people who are just moaners
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  5. Ignorant or selfish people. Especially selfish people.
  6. People.....
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  7. The small-minded non-creative people who are obsessed with cost cutting rather than revenue increase.

    People not answering emails (when "No thanks") will do. People who are impossible to reach by phone and never call you back.

    Those who waltz across zebra crossings blathering into their mobiles without even a glance in your direction like they've just parted the Red Sea.

    Drivers who
    (a) creep along at 40 on a perfectly fast A road with a white line preventing you from overtaking them and then go through a 30 limit at exactly the same speed. So they weren't just driving carefully - they are just CRAP!

    (b) faff about when the light goes green, because they weren't paying attention, but squeeze past just before it goes red again leaving you sitting through another round of light changes while they go on their merry way.
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  8. That makes my piss boil.
  9. Telesales calls! Why the f*ck should you have to "opt" out of this! :mad:
  10. At this moment in time. What a stupid and annoying saying.
  11. On that theme, "at the end of the day" Arrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhh
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  12. Ten people who could not be arsed to indicate out of the 50 cars I passed on a ten minute journey!
    Or has there been some change in Highway Code to say indicating is now no longer required?

    As above idiots wandering across ped crossings ! Usually on the phone.

    People who act like they are going to walk past crossing then suddenly decide to dart into it .

    Chuggers ...
    Worse chuggers that knock at your door at 8pm at night.

    My loo seat as it has an alarm it seems .
    I sit on it and someone bangs on the door.

    The saying " it's not rocket science ".
  13. People who park right next to me in supermarket car parks when I have taken the trouble to park away from everyone else with loads of spaces all around.
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  14. C ar drivers that insist on side and driving lights only and those that sit with fog lights on because it's windy, drizzling, a 30 zone, it's a thursday or any other reason than it's actually foggy!
  15. Oh can we add "when alls said and done" " it could be worse" and " everything happens for a reason".
    " lets touch base". Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  16. Yes!!!
    Why is it the whole of Sainsburys car park can be free you park your car out of the way so some moron doesn't hit it with a trolley .. French stick whatever.

    You come out and there is 15 cars parked with in an inch of yours with a family of 6 slamming doors about 1mm from yours.

    Getting into bed getting cosy then suddenly you need a whizz :(
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  17. Yep, that one is particularly hideous, as are the patronising middle management arse licking fuck wits that spout it - seriously cringe worthy
  18. This is one angry thread! I LOVE IT!

    I hate 'touching base', bad customer service, over friendly bar staff e.g. Sir, my good man, my friend (I am fu*%ing not your friend) or Bud......Salt on the roads, fares and bills going up for no discernible reason, people who don't listen....its just rude! Oh and cat poo on the lawn...

    On the other hand I like blue sky, laughter without self-consciousness, showers (bathroom not rain....although they're ok too), bread, beer, wine, flip flops, chopping logs, coffee (oh coffee)......
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  19. I sense an angry young woman here :tongue:
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