Chris Huhne admits letting his wife take his points.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard H, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. And you know that it was their advice? How?

    They will have given him advice (paid for of course) and it is up to him whether he accepted it or not.

    I'm not supporting the lawyers you understand, just pointing out what will have happened.

    And yes they are greedy bastards. They seem to have a God given right to be paid whether the advice is good, bad or indifferent :rolleyes:
  2. Maybe a bit of means testing when (if) convicted?
  3. Huhne does appear to be a bit of a dick in this situation - he would "only" have been banned under the totting-up procedure which would have been something like 3 months? Surely as an MEP at the time he could have got taxis everywhere for the duration of the ban and claimed it all back on expenses?
  4. Indeed. For most MPs (with a few exceptions) the £65K salary is negligible, and a lot less than they could be making doing something else. Essentially they sacrifice income because they want to have a career in politics. And members of the House of Lords get no salary or fees at all, they do it as volunteers. The idea that anyone becomes an MP because they are attracted by the salary is completely ludicrous. It's the sort of daft notion that (well-paid) Daily Mail journalists like to put up when they can't think of anything else to write.
  5. The fine and the points (or ban) was not in itself the motive. Huhne would have wanted to keep a clean record, without convictions, in hopes of a political career later. Hence getting the wife to take the hit. If she had kept her mouth shut, it would have worked too. How many other people have done something similar? Nobody knows, but I'm guessing thousands.
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  6. More like hundreds of thousands! The system is wrong end of, as it doesnt take into account the amount and type of driving, nor the vehilces being used, nor the circumstances.

    Not convinced it would have damaged his career at all really, who cant empathise with someone caught speeding?!
  7. So being an ex MP has no bearing on the type of position they can expect in the private sector? Those who seek power should be denied it.
  8. sorry, think your opinion on this is way off kilter. They do join for cash rewards, as anyone who cares to look will know the allowances add up, lets not forget the pension etc etc etc. the. There is the jobs they can do while in office, as well as the lucrative lobbying jobs after office.

    I'm not sure many ever do it for purely ideological purposes (how can they, the term of often so short), ironically I feel Huhne may have actually been been of them, more for power and position. And to suggest the Lords are volunteers, and put them in the same bracket per se as the old lady working in the local Cancer charity shop, is frankly ludicrous. Obviously in my opinion :)
  9. Who would run every business, country or NASA space program then?
  10. I think the root cause of it all is the ridiculous penalties imposed for speeding! Some people (not him) are put in this position by a system that favours fu#kwits rather than generally law abiding people. I need my license, if I was sitting on 9 points would I ask my wife to do the same, probably (may reconsider this position now)! The point system is so fuc#ked up that 4 minor indiscretions can lead to a ban. They dont even check the information provided, they just want to endorse a license and get the fine. Job done, tick box, next!

    The punishment should be in proportion to the crime, and in the case of speeding it is most definately not.
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  11. I couldn't help but read this with the voice of Fred from Scooby Doo as the narrator!
  12. If it hadn't been for those pesky kids :biggrin:
  13. Therein lies the fundamental flaw in his plan.
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  14. If he had not had the affair, it would have worked too :rolleyes:
  15. What,shock horror,do you mean the the honorable member from ....... is in fact NOT honorable.Eek.What ever next.??
    How come that this took over 10 years and a reported 100k in legal fees to finally come to book ?
  16. Wouldn't consider slowing down then?
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  17. Or maybe consider driving/riding with more concentration on your speedo than the road ahead/to the side/behind. Know which I'd rather do
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  18. A politicians response!
  19. So you're both saying you're unable to maintain a steady speed without constantly checking the speedo?
    If you're that incapable of riding properly then you shouldn't be on the road in the first place.
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