Pet Hates

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Don't spoil it liking things, I'm in a real grumpy mood.
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  2. If youve just read all 61 posts Im not surprised :biggrin:
  3. People who turn every motogp thread into a Stoner / Rossi debate.
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  4. Cyclists not giving a f*ck about anyone else on the road... yeah of course it's fine to undertake on a junction as I'm turning left and I started indicating quite a while before it. Same fecking cyclists who think it's a good idea to not have any lights after dark and wear dark clothes... or who think it's fine to block all traffic because they doing 10mph even though there's perfectly fine cycle path next to the road :mad:
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  5. People who believe the past tense of 'buy' is 'brought'.
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  6. People who think the normal rules of the road don't apply as soon as they enter Waitrose car parks
  7. People in busy supermarkets who can't count but insist on paying for some massive grocery bill in change. Then after 5 mins of them dicking around scrabbling for the final coppers, they find they haven't got enough after all and pay with a note.

    This happens when you're in a hurry with only 2 items to buy.
  8. Oi start your own thread :-7
  9. Yeah....and people who change the subject.....I hate them :biggrin:

    I would start a new one but I don't think it would be (as) popular....
  10. People who ask what tyres should I buy.
  11. bosses that think they can get rid of you on medical grounds bah.....:mad:
  12. Cyclists ...
    Particularly ones who wear orange Lycra it's see through !!!!
    Rarely worn by person with nice arse :(
  13. :( :( :(
    Is this Education????
    Have you been to occupational health?
    Just been there .. But it can back fire on bosses you know!
  14. People who offer lame help (but worse than this is):

    People who shoot down that help. (not everyone is an elitist tech guru dickknob)
  15. People that say " can I get" instead off "can I have" bloody American loving twats. If they want to speak yank then piss off over there. Every time I am in the pub and some twat with a chunky jumper walks up to the bar and says can I get and then does not know what they want grrrrrrrr. Kill.

    Regards Steve
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  16. Errr..that'd be me then :-( Welsh born and raised but 25 years out of the UK and listening to Septics talking all the time (Including Septic Fiancee), I'm afraid some of it sticks. I'll try to stop, honest guv'nor!
  17. PS. No chunky jumper though!
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  18. not been to occupational health yet just got letter today but they are arranging it
    yes education in roundabout way charity based learning facility (ooh sounded good didnt it lol)
    planned on going back to work end of month but seems they might want rid anyway funding ect........bad day rant what was this thread about anyway..........:frown:.
  19. would you like large fries with that .......................if i wanted large fries i would have asked for them aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggg..............
  20. Occupational health should encourage your employer to help you back to work.
    They were very helpful with myself and work to gently ease me back into the workplace
    They took a medical statement from myself and then my doctor and consultant to confirm.
    I went back on short hours for 6 weeks and hence I work on self scan
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